Chapter 32

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Fade in. A crash is heard in the training room. HEESUNG is laying on the floor as JAEKYUNG stands beside him.

CAMERAMAN 1: H-Heesung! Are you okay?
HEESUNG: Ergh... my back!

CAMERAMAN 1 kneels beside HEESUNG. JAEKYUNG scowls.

JAEKYUNG: Oh, get up, jackass! I didn't even hit you!
NAMWOOK: Joo Jaekyung! What were you thinking, blocking that tackle?! You could've seriously-!
JAEKYUNG: Don't bother, he's faking it. [Kicks HEESUNG in the side] Move it.

HEESUNG glances up at JAEKYUNG, giving him a smirk. JAEKYUNG flinches.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Why is he-?

The door swings open. DAN and POTATO stand in the doorway, shocked.

DAN: Heesung!

DAN runs to HEESUNG. JAEKYUNG's face drops. DAN falls to the floor in front of HEESUNG.

DAN: Are you okay? What did that jerk do?!
HEESUNG: Ah, don't worry about that... [puppy eyes] it was my fault...

Shot focuses on the group watching. They all gasp at his adorable sincerity. POTATO and JAEKYUNG are the exceptions.

DAN: Is it hard to move at all?
DAN: Then we should take you to the hospital. [To JAEKYUNG] What the fuck is your problem?
JAEKYUNG: I- well-
DAN: He's shooting a film - think of the production crew! The delays! The fans! Oh, but you don't give two shits about that, do you?!

HEESUNG rolls over, sitting up now. As JAEKYUNG and DAN argue, he makes eye-contact with POTATO. POTATO looks at him suspiciously, HEESUNG gives a disingenuous grin.

JAEKYUNG: That's it! Choi Heesung was the one who-!

HEESUNG's attention turns back to JAEKYUNG. NAMWOOK forces JAEKYUNG to bow.

NAMWOOK: Oh dear, oh dear, I'm so sorry about all of this, Mr Choi. Team Black will cover all of your hospital fees and any further compensation required! Won't we, Hyung?

JAEKYUNG glares at HEESUNG angrily.

JAEKYUNG: Yes. We will.

HEESUNG glares back at him. He turns to look at POTATO for a moment before sighing.

HEESUNG [Internal]: One problem at a time.
HEESUNG [Grins]: No need for compensation! Instead, I'd just like some regular sessions with Doc Dan. What do you say, doc?
DAN: Uh... [Looks at POTATO]
POTATO [Shakes head]

JAEKYUNG is focused on. He looks lost and worried. DAN narrows his eyes at him. He turns towards HEESUNG again.

DAN: I... I'll do it.
HEESUNG: Wonderful!

JAEKYUNG clenches his knuckles.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: Fuck...

Title screen.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: In the end, Heesung decided he wouldn't press charges if Kim Dan provided him physical therapy. His first session would begin in a week's time.

Scene opens on a shot of JAEKYUNG looking through his window, alone. DAN enters the shot behind him and walks off.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: And when that day came...

Shot focuses on JAEKYUNG's scowl.

JAEKYUNG [Narrator]: I wasn't in the mood to send him a farewell.

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