Chapter 7

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Fade in. Scene opens with DAN walking into his GRANDMA's apartment. 

DAN [Narrator]: I was only planning to stay for an hour. But...

GRANDMA is in the kitchen. Her face drops seeing DAN.

GRANDMA: There you are! Where were you all night?

DAN looks at her awkwardly. Scene flashes to a memory of the day prior. DAN is face down on the ottoman as JAEKYUNG penetrates him from behind. DAN is shown cumming on the furniture. JAEKYUNG smiles.

JAEKYUNG: You can take more, can't you?
DAN: Hah... much more.
JAEKYUNG: You sure about that? I won't hold back.
DAN: Stop talking and fuck me.
JAEKYUNG: Pfft. I warned you.

The scene flashes back. DAN sees her weary expression.

DAN [Narrator]: ...It ended up being a lot longer. 

As DAN leans in and hugs GRANDMA, his narrated thoughts clip in.

DAN [Narrator]: I wish I could tell her everything that happened, why I was gone so long.

DAN imagines the contract he signed with JAEKYUNG. It focuses on the words 'non-disclosure agreement'.

DAN [Narrator]: But that wouldn't be wise.

Their hug ends. DAN fakes a smile.

DAN: I'm sorry. I wanted to stay for your birthday breakfast, really, I just... got tangled up in something. With a friend!
GRANDMA: Really...?
DAN: Yes! That uh- new console game came out... I went to his place... time just lost me!
DAN [Internal]: She's not buying it.

DAN presses his hands onto GRANDMA's shoulders.

DAN: I'm not in danger, okay? If I was, you'd be the first to know. Promise.
GRANDMA: Another odd job, isn't it?
DAN: ...Actually, I have a full-time job now. And it pays well enough that I don't even need a night shift to keep myself afloat.
GRANDMA: R-really?
DAN: Yes. I'm a private physio for a champion athlete now.

DAN walks away. GRANDMA is focused on. She sees him walk past and notices choke bruises across his neck.

DAN: The athlete is really well-off too. Isn't that great? 
GRANDMA: 'Great'... [Looks down] I don't know about that...
DAN [Turns back around]: What do you mean?
GRANDMA: I just... don't want to see you straining yourself for money. At least while you're under my roof.
DAN [Internal]: Then I'll just go to my own apartment. I was only staying here for a week, anyway.
GRANDMA: Besides, the family is doing fine. We have food on the table now, and my health hasn't been any better. You really don't need to-
DAN: I want more, Grandma.

GRANDMA looks at DAN with pity. DAN frowns.

DAN: I have to prepare for my shift now, anyway.
DAN: Thanks for letting me visit.

DAN walks out of the room. 

DAN [Narrator]: That's right. I need to focus on the job. After all, it's the first day I'll be working at Jaekyung's gym.

Title screen.

Scene cuts to a building reading 'Team Black MMA GYM 5F'. DAN walks in and stands by the doorway. He sees JAEKYUNG taping his arm inside.

DAN [Internal]: I guess I'll be seeing him every day now. Yippee. Knowing him, he'll probably want to fuck from nine to five.

DAN imagines chibi JAEKYUNG chasing him with his pants at his ankles. He chuckles at the thought.

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