Chapter 21

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Fade in. DAN's phone vibrates. JAEKYUNG takes hold of it. JAEKYUNG's mouth drops open.

DAN: Jaekyung? What are you...?

JAEKYUNG grabs DAN's hips.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: This whore...
DAN: Jaekyung?

Shot follows JAEKYUNG's furious expression as he penetrates him. DAN gasps.

DAN: Hnghhh!
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: This fucking whore!

JAEKYUNG glares at DAN. A muscle clicks in his jaw. DAN's heart races.

DAN: What are you doing...?!
JAEKYUNG: You want to sleep with someone else right now, is that it?
DAN: Eh?!
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Avoiding the question... it must be true.

JAEKYUNG trembles. He clenches his knuckles. The phone is thrown on the ground, DAN watches it fall.

DAN: Hey...! [Turns attention to JAEKYUNG] Uh-oh.

JAEKYUNG sits up on his knees and shoves his hips forward, plowing into DAN.

JAEKYUNG: Am I just your side fuck?!
DAN: Agh! Slow down! Slow-!
JAEKYUNG: Take it!
DAN: Ugh! Ergh!

JAEKYUNG pulls back, continuing to thrust into him.

JAEKYUNG: All this money and you still don't fucking respect me! Haa...!

DAN is overwhelmed, his hips writhing as JAEKYUNG makes the bed shake with every thrust.

DAN [Internal]: I want to understand what's happening... but... my mind's turning blank.

DAN's eyelids lift, catching JAEKYUNG's furious gaze.

DAN [Internal]: It hurts... h-hurts so bad...
JAEKYUNG: Answer me! Fucking asshole!

Shot focuses on DAN's exhausted expression. He brings his hands up and presses them to JAEKYUNG's neck.

DAN [Internal]: I don't know how else... I can make him slow down...

DAN brings JAEKYUNG's mouth forward until they're kissing. JAEKYUNG's eyes expand with surprise. He slowly shuts them. Shot focuses on JAKEYUNG wrapping his arms around DAN. 

JAEKYUNG: Mph... Haa...
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: Damnit.

JAEKYUNG slows down.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: He has me around his finger.

Title screen.

Scene cuts to the morning. JAEKYUNG is looking through his window. He looks behind him, seeing DAN passed out on his couch, wrapped up in a blanket. Cuts to JAEKYUNG on a phone call with DOCTOR.

JAEKYUNG: He passed out again.
DOCTOR [Phone-call]: Your physical therapist?
JAEKYUNG: ...Yeah.

DOCTOR's words explode out of JAEKYUNG's phone.

DOCTOR [Phone-call]: You idiot! What on god's green earth did you-?! And after all my advice?! I- you-!

Shot cuts to DOCTOR in his office. He rubs his forehead exhaustively.

DOCTOR: Haa... Was he in a critical condition again?
JAEKYUNG [Phone-call]: Not this time.
DOCTOR: Then what caused it?

Cuts to JAEKYUNG's perspective.

JAEKYUNG: Why do you think I rang you? Look, doc, we screwed from the sunset until 10:00 at night. I went rough at the end, and he passed out. There weren't any signs that he was tired, he's got stamina, why'd he faint?

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