Chapter 26

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Fade in. Scene opens on a shot of DAEHYUN holding up a microphone.

DAEHYUN: Ladies and gentlemen! We have a very special match unfolding today at the Team Black gym!

Cuts to JAEKYUNG standing in the ring.

DAEHYUN: First up, it's the handsomest fighter in all the land, constant number one on every "hottest athletes" list... the man who broke Ox Arcade's punching machine so many times they finally blacklisted him... the one, the only, light heavyweight champion, the Emperor himself: Joo Jaekyung!

Cuts to DAN standing on the opposite side of the ring.

DAEHYUN: And next, the challenger! He shot across the Team Black sky like a shooting star! The healer with the magic touch! He's not just an underdog, he's our brand spanking shiny new super rookie, Doc Dan! Now put your hands together, everyone, for the most ridiculously uneven match of all time!

The BOXERS applaud as they watch. Shot focuses on POTATO.

POTATO [Internal]: It may be uneven but...

POTATO looks over at DAN in the ring.

POTATO [Internal]: He has fight in him.
JAEKYUNG: If doc manages to pin me down once in the three minutes over three rounds, he wins.
DAEHYUN: Oh, that's a pretty big loophole, Hyung! You sure about that?
JAEKYUNG: Of course I'm sure.

JAEKYUNG looks DAN straight in the eyes now.

JAEKYUNG: You wanna prove how strong you are? Take me down. [Leans forward] But, I bet it'll be impossible.
BOXER 2: It's totally possible!!
BOXER 1: Maybe Doc Dan has some secret moves!!
JAEKYUNG: Yeah, I know that. That's why we're sparring. [To DAN] You ready?
DAN: What if I win?

JAEKYUNG flinches.

JAEKYUNG: What? [Grins] You really think you can best me?

DAN clenches his knuckles, stepping towards him.

DAN: Yes, I do.

JAEKYUNG's heart skips a beat.

JAEKYUNG: Haa... Fine, I'll grant you a wish. Whatever you want.
DAN [Nods]
DAEHYUN: Alright, gentlemen! Let's do this!

DAN and JAEKYUNG press their gloves together. Shot holds on DAN's expression.

BOXERS: Wooo! Go, doc, go! Get him good!
JAEKYUNG: Try dodging this!

JAEKYUNG swerves forward, his boxing glove reaching out for him. DAN's eyes expand. He jumps, evading the punch as JAEKYUNG hits thin air.


DAN glares at JAEKYUNG, JAEKYUNG gives a smile.


JAEKYUNG goes again, DAN ducks his punch. Another punch is attempted as DAN leans out the way, before hopping back in a dance-like motion. DAN and JAEKYUNG make eye-contact.

BOXERS: Keep it up, doc!
POTATO: What is he doing? Why isn't he striking?
JAEKYUNG: A bob and weave? Who taught you that?
DAN: Not you, that's for sure.
JAEKYUNG [Laughs]: You're fun to fight.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: But unfortunately, Kim Dan...

Shot holds on JAEKYUNG. He steps forward, like he's about to punch DAN, before striking him in a roundhouse kink. DAN falls onto his back, winded.

JAEKYUNG [Internal]: ...You're still not strong enough for me.

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