Chapter 31

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Fade in. Scene opens on a shot of the Team Black gym. HEESUNG appears, surrounded by a cherry blossom background.

HEESUNG: Hi, doc!

HEESUNG holds out a blazer and passes it to DAN.

HEESUNG: Here, this is for you! I saw this and thought of you! What do you think, cute, right?
DAN: Huh?! M-Mr Choi, this is... a designer brand...!
HEESUNG: Just consider this a thank you for earlier!
DAN: But still...! I-

DAN holds up the shirt. His eyes become hearts

DAN: How much was this?!
HEESUNG [Internal]: Ah... he's materialistic.
HEESUNG: Uh-uh, I shouldn't say, that's disrespectful.
DAN: How can I repay you?
HEESUNG: There's one way.

The shot shows HEESUNG's hand brushing up against DAN's neck as he pulls him in close. Their eyes make contact. There appears to be a manipulative glow about HEESUNG's eyes for a moment, before switching into a cheerful glee.

HEESUNG: Wear the shirt. [Pats the side of DAN's face] Okay?
DAN [Blushing]: Uh... o-okay!
HEESUNG [Internal]: There's a way to every man's heart. I suppose yours is gifts.
HEESUNG: And don't worry, I brought t-shirts for everyone in the team too. [Grins] Enjoy~

HEESUNG turns away. DAN watches him leave. Shot cuts to CAMERAMAN 1 carrying bags of clothes.

CAMERAMAN 1: Choi Heesung, you ridiculous Romeo!

Title screen.

DAN [Narrator]: Recently, Choi Heesung has started coming to the gym every day, whether or not he has a training session scheduled. And each day, he brings new gifts.

The objects DAN lists appear on screen.

DAN [Narrator]: Designer shoes, health products, electronics and even a coffee truck.

Shot cuts to DAN being handed a bouquet of flowers.

HEESUNG: I saw these on my way in. They were just so pretty that I had to get them!

HEESUNG leans over DAN, grinning at him as he holds the flowers. 

HEESUNG: I knew it, they suit you. I can't tell which is prettier, honestly.
DAN: Th-thank you so much, sir!
DAN [Internal]: Ah... it's a bit overwhelming. But no one's treated me so nicely before... I could get used to this.

Shot zooms out. BOXER 4 and 2 stand in front of a mountain of gifts.

BOXER 4: You're the best, Mr Choi!
BOXER 2: Thanks for all the red ginseng too!
HEESUNG: It was no problem~
DAN [Internal]: The pile keeps growing. It's a little insane how much a celebrity has been spoiling me.

DAN holds the flowers under his nose and smiles widely.

DAN [Internal]: Even these flowers are so expensive!!
DAN: Um, Mr Choi, sir.
HEESUNG: I keep telling you, just call me Heesung! You're my Hyung after-all!
DAN: Okay, Heesung, can I ask, why are you spoiling me so much? I mean these gifts... they're resplendent...

HEESUNG smirks for a moment, his eyes narrowing.

HEESUNG: Why...?

He quickly shifts to an abundant smile.

HEESUNG: You give presents to the people you like, right?
DAN [Awestruck]: I...

HEESUNG steps away, waving cheerfully. CAMERAMAN 1 grasps his arm.

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