Chapter 6

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Fade in. Scene opens with DAN on JAEKYUNG's doormat display screen. JAEKYUNG stares at it and grins.

JAEKYUNG: Now this, I was not expecting.

Title screen.

DAN enters the living room where JAEKYUNG is sitting.

JAEKYUNG: I must have called you a thousand times and you didn't pick up once. What the hell was going on in that pretty little head of yours that would bring you to my door?

Shot focuses on DAN's stern glare. He places a paper and pen on the coffee table.

JAEKYUNG: Eh? What the-
DAN: I printed out a contract. [Crosses arms] Let's make a deal.

JAEKYUNG stares at DAN, eyes full of shock.

JAEKYUNG: Why should I?
DAN: You want to sleep with me some more, don't you?
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: This wimpy kid is just waltzing in here like he owns the joint.

JAEKYUNG picks up the contract and reads it as DAN speaks.

DAN: This is the contract your coach sent me. But I couldn't agree to it. Since... [JAEKYUNG makes eye-contact with him] This doesn't recognise the jinx. Make it clear now, you're not just hiring me as your physical therapist, are you?
JAEKYUNG: Of course not.

A shot plays of their previous massage session.

JAEKYUNG: You'll manage my physical condition with muscle treatments before and after my training each day...

A shot plays of them having sex.

JAEKYUNG: ...And you'll be responsible for pre-match sex sessions, to deal with my jinx.

This returns to the living room setting.

JAEKYUNG: I thought that was obvious.
DAN: Hah... just had to be sure. But, why are you putting your sights on me? I don't even like you.
JAEKYUNG: I couldn't have won the last match without you... and it was a good win, too. I'm not sure why but, you're the key to my success.
DAN [Internal]: That's obviously not true. Jinxes are just superstitions. But I can't really criticize him now.
DAN: I see.
JAEKYUNG: Why are you even debating this? Turn me down or say yes, I'm sick of chasing you.
DAN: I want the job.

JAEKYUNG raises an eyebrow.

DAN: ...However, If I'm going to be doing sex work, I need it in writing. Sure, you don't need to reveal this embarrassing jinx to your coworkers but, some acknowledgment of it on paper would be great.
JAEKYUNG: Hah! Why? So you can sue me in a day's time?
DAN: With a contract comes an official paycheck.
DAN [Internal]: Here goes.

A flashback plays of DAN in his GRANDMA's house, late at night. He stands by the door.

HAE: Oppa, wait!

DAN turns around. The shot shows HAE running towards him with the contract in her hands.

HAE: I printed this for you.
DAN: What, why?
HAE: You need to adjust your contract. Include actual details about the sex work. Otherwise, it's all word of mouth. You need to be recognised as his employee, not as a partner.

DAN takes the contract and reads it.

DAN: Okay...
HAE: When you're with him, lay down some new conditions. I have a suggestion. [Grins] Here's how you can earn some power in your relationship.

HAE whispers inaudibly in DAN's ear. He's shocked. This cuts to DAN speaking to JAEKYUNG.

DAN: I want a pay rise. More than you offered me. You wanted five million a month, I want it doubled. If you can do that, I'll sign.

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