Chapter 34

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Fade in. HEESUNG is on a bed as DAN massages his back.

DAN: Does that hurt?
HEESUNG: No, no. It feels good. You're stronger than you look, doc.
DAN [Smugly]: How strong do I look?
HEESUNG: Uh... that's...

DAN gives a sharp laugh. HEESUNG is jolted by it.

DAN: Just messing with you!

HEESUNG's forced smile is focused on.

HEESUNG [Internal]: Damnit, this kid is annoying. But it looks like this is paying off already.

A shot clips in, of DAN walking inside HEESUNG's house with an aching back.

HEESUNG [Internal]: Judging from his state, it's clear he's only just crawled from someone's bed.

Shot focuses on HEESUNG as he lays on his stomach. He smiles.

HEESUNG [Internal]: It's gotta be Joo Jaekyung, putting this man through his trademarked rough sex. They are roommates after-all. But still... is he really jealous of me?
HEESUNG [Chuckles]

A flashback plays. HEESUNG is on JAEKYUNG's doorstep, holding up a phone. The shot focuses on the screen - it portrays an image of MAN from chapter two. JAEKYUNG shakes his head and shrugs. HEESUNG sighs. Behind JAEKYUNG, the shirtless MAN walks past. The shot focuses on the look of betrayal in HEESUNG's eyes.

HEESUNG [Internal]: How the tables have turned...

HEESUNG looks at DAN as he massages him. 

HEESUNG [Internal]: If I want to hurt Jaekyung, I will have to go through Doc Dan. But... sex won't be enough. He will expect that.

DAN catches his gaze. DAN gives him a warm smile. HEESUNG mirrors it.

HEESUNG: Thank you for all your support. You are... one incredible man.
DAN [Blushes]: Thank you.
HEESUNG: The pleasure's all mine. [Chuckles]

Shot pans over HEESUNG's laugher.

HEESUNG [Internal]: This is pretty fun.

Title screen.

Scene opens on a shot of JAEKYUNG entering a sauna. He flinches when he walks in on HEESUNG.

HEESUNG: Been a while, JK. 

HEESUNG pats the spot beside him. He looks at JAEKYUNG with sinister eyes.

HEESUNG: Let's talk.

JAEKYUNG stares at him, unmoving. HEESUNG's smile drops.

HEESUNG: I would like to discuss our shared physio. If you would just give me the time.
JAEKYUNG [Internal]: I know he has something up his sleeve. But, I'm weak in stopping him.

Shot follows JAEKYUNG's shoulders slouching before he sits down beside HEESUNG.

HEESUNG: Kim Dan. He's quite the looker, don't you think?
HEESUNG: A pretty face, pretty body, pretty everywhere... even tastes sweet too.
JAEKYUNG: I know you didn't sleep with him.
JAEKYUNG: I've dropped him off before each session. And drove him back. If he'd had a turn in the sheets with you, I'd know.
HEESUNG: Ah. You know a lot about him, don't you?

JAEKYUNG looks away. HEESUNG smiles devilishly. Shot holds on JAEKYUNG's face as HEESUNG says his next words.

HEESUNG: Do you know he's interested in me?

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