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"Nuke, it's not what it looks like I swear!" I yelled as I jumped up and threw a blanket over my naked body

"Bro what the fuck ? You fucking my cousin? " Nuke asked with a serious expression on his face as he looked at Jace who was standing near the bed putting his clothes back on.

"My nigga isn't it obvious now ?" Jace said as he chuckled.

"You fucking my cousin?" Nuke asked as he raised his voice and walked up to Jace.

"Calm down, it's not what it looks like Nuke, I can explain." I said.

"Nigga you better back the fuck up." Jace said as he looked Nuke up and down.

I began to throw my shirt over my body and put my clothes back on as I watched them continue to argue.

Nuke shoved Jace and they instantly began throwing punches, they both were getting some in.

The door busted wide open and Cory flew in breaking the fight up between Jace and Nuke.

"Chill out, Chill out!" Cory yelled as he struggled to break the fight up.

Eventually he was able to pull them apart from one another.

"Mane can someone tell me what the fuck is going on?" Cory questioned as he looked over at Jace and Nuke then at me.

"Mane, they on that gay shit." Nuke said as he scoffed.

"Bruh, it ain't even like that." I responded.

"What happened?" Cory questioned looking confused as fuck.

"Ciara asked me to check on Sincere because she had been gone for a minute , so I come up here tryna check on her and I walk in to them fucking. " Nuke responded.

"Bro, yall joking right ?" Cory responded looking puzzled.

"Nigga does it fucking look like I'm fucking joking?" Nuke asked as he mugged Cory.

"Mane what the fuck, yall niggas gay." Cory said as he looked over at me and Jace and shook his head.

Nuke and Cory had always looked at me as another guy since I had always been a tomboy and was a lesbian.

"How it's gay when she got a pussy?" Jace said as he smirked.

"Mane shut the fuck up before I smack the fuck out yo bitch ass." Nuke said.

"Wassup then?" Jace said as he pulled up his pants attempting to swing at Nuke but Cory quickly broke it up and dragged Nuke out the room.

I just sat on the edge of the bed with my face in my hands.

I couldn't believe that we got caught.

Especially having sex, it could have atleast been us getting caught kissing or something.

Jace just stood next to the doorway and I could feel him watching me.

I could hear that everyone was leaving and me and Jace just sat in an awkward silence for the next few minutes until I spoke up.

"You shouldn't have fucking followed me in here Jace." I said as I looked at the ground.

"C'mon now Sincere, don't blame this shit on me. We both know you wanted it too." Jace replied.

"I came up here for some space so I could think. Not so you could fuck again." I responded.

"Welp." Jace said nonchalantly as he shrugged his shoulders .

"Now you got everybody in our business and they looking at me differently." I said.

"Who gives a fuck what they think?"  Jace asked.

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