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"What's wrong?" Drew asked as he looked over at me.

It was just starting to kick in that I had actually done this shit.

Of course I knew Jace did what he did but it just didn't feel right and I felt too guilty.

It's like I was doing it because it felt right but at the same time, in the back of my head it felt like I was doing it out of spite to get revenge.

Honestly, it didn't matter to me.

Jace wouldn't have told me about Kennedy if she hadn't told me, so I wasn't going to ever tell him shit.

Plus we weren't even fucking together and I didn't plan on getting back either.

"I need to go back home." I said as I gathered my clothes and began to put them back on.

"Oh so it's just like that? You just let me fuck and that's a done deal and now you leavin ?" Drew asked.

"I got some things I need to handle, Drew I'll text you and swing by later. " I said as I walked over to Drew and kissed his lips.

"That dick way too good to be a one night stand and you know that." I said as I pulled away gripping his print.

"Don't fuck around and get folded right now." Drew said as he smirked.

"Imma drop you off though so you can handle whatever you needa handle." Drew continued as he threw his hoodie on.


I had Drew drop me off a few blocks away from the house, just in case Jace was nearby.

I couldn't allow him to see me with Drew because I knew he'd try to go after him and Jace was crazy.

Drew wasn't no scary ass nigga tho.

I wasn't sure how Drew got down either but I'm pretty sure he'd put up a good fight against Jace.

I continued to walk down the sidewalk until I finally reached my house.

Once I got ti the doorstep I realized I hadn't brought my key with me, which meant I was going to have to face confrontation from Jace.

I knocked on the door twice and after about 30 seconds the door swang open aggressively.

"So where the fuck you been out to ?" Jace asked.

"Nuke's place." I replied.

"You a damn fuckin liar Sincere cause I called Nuke tryna see where you was at cause you was gone at 6am." Jace replied.

"Sum ain't adding up." Jace said as he looked at me.

I could tell he was about to get angry.

I walked past him and didn't say shit because I really didn't feel like arguing with him today.

I just really wanted to get along with one another.

"Don't fuckin walk away from me while I'm talking to you, fuck wrong with you." Jace said as he shoved me making me lean against the wall as he hovered over me.

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