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It had been like two weeks from the altercation that occurred with me and Jace.

He hadn't came home ever since and I was really happy about that.

I hadn't spoken to Drew either.

My face had finally healed up a bit and I was ready to leave.

I threw everything girly I had away and I was tired of messing with dudes at this point.

I was back to my normal self and started dressing the way I used to.

I think it just wasn't for me anymore.

I started packing up all my things and everything that I might need.

Me and Asia had recently been talking things out and agreed to be friends.

She said I could stay at her place for a while since me and Jace fell out.

She wasn't aware that me and Jace were involved romantically so of course she was willing to let me stay with her.

Aa far as she knew, I never even moved on to anybody else.

I rolled my suitcase down the stairs and stopped when I heard the door open.

Jace walked in and we made eye contact but I quickly looked away.

I knew him and Kennedy had become a thing because I still followed Kennedy on Instagram for some odd reason and she posted them together a few times.

I rolled my suitcase towards the door and grabbed my keys off the kitchen counter.

He didn't stop me either.

I went back upstairs and picked up all the things that he had given me in the past, off the bed and threw it into a bag.

I didn't want anymore memories of Jace and I didn't wanna do this toxic shit anymore, I just wanted to live a peaceful life again.

I didn't care who he ended up with I just wanted for us to both leave each other alone.

I continued to bag everything up as I heard him walk into the room.

"So you movin out?" He asked.

For some reason, his voice sounded different from how it usually sounded.

"Yea." I replied.

"I am." I shrugged as I kept packing everything up.

"Alright, well be safe." He replied as he turned around to leave the room.

I just nodded and didn't reply.

He stopped and turned back around.

"I'm sorry for how shit ended between us. I know I should have never put my hands on you the way I did. " He said.

"Of course it was wrong for you to do what you did knowing we was still having sex too but I understand where you came from, if I hadn't cheated in the first place you probably wouldn't have ever even did the shit. I understand it was out of spite because that ain't even like you. I take the full blame for everything and again I'm sorry for puttin my hands on you that's a big no. I understand if you hate me and never wanna speak to me again on some shii, like I'd totally understand. I just wanted to let you kno I'm sorry Sincere." Jace said as he looked into my eyes.

I just paused for a minute processing everything he just said to me.

"I accept your apology. And I'm sorry for how shit ended too. I'm sorry I did that shit behind your back and lied about it, that was wrong as fuck and I knew it was but I just wanted to get revenge." I responded.

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