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"Sincere." Jace said in his sleepy voice.

It was now morning and a new day.

"Hm?" I asked.

"I ain't mean to call you a bitch last night, you just pissed me off." Jace said as he turned around and looked at me.

"I understand." I said softly.

We stared at each other in an awkward silence for the next few seconds.

I turned around and got out of the bed and headed to the bathroom.

I hopped in the shower and ran the water on my body.

As I was showering, I could hear the bathroom door open and I already knew who it was.

A few moments later, Jace was behind me. A few moments later he was inside of me and y'all already know what happened after that.


After we were done with our morning routines we ate breakfast.

As we sat at the table, I looked over at Jace.

"So what are we ?" I asked.

"Don't ask stupid shit, Sin." Jace replied as he kept eating his bowl of cereal.

"How is it stupid?" I asked.

"You mine. Didn't I tell you that shit last night ? We together. Locked in." Jace said as he got up and dumped his bowl into the sink and headed towards the door.

I smiled to myself when he wasn't looking.

Jace decided that he was gonna run to the store and handle other business.

After Jace left the house I decided that I was gonna go on Netflix and watch my favorite series.

After maybe 5 hours of watching the same series, Jace still wasn't home so I kept watching.

It was now about 10PM and Jace still wasn't back so I decided to call him.

I called him maybe 5 times and texted him like 10 times but no response.

I started to get worried but reassured myself that everything was okay.

It was now 12AM.

I went upstairs and took a long warm bath then went back in my room and got ready for bed.

I laid down and began to drift off to sleep.

A few moments later I could hear the front door opening.

I knew it was Jace. Where had he been ?

Jace walked into the bedroom and we locked eyes.

"You haven't seen me calling you ? Texting you ? Nothing ? " I asked.

"Awww my phone was off." Jace replied as he shrugged and began to throw his clothes off.

"So where the fuck you been?" I asked.

"Don't ask no stupid questions, Sin." Jace responded as he got on his side of the bed.

"Niggas can't ask where you been at?" I asked as I sat up in the bed.

"Had to handle some business... shit came up." Jace responded as he threw covers over himself.

"What came up nigga?" I asked.

"Mane, It's 1AM Sin. Take yo ass to sleep and stop asking me dumb questions." Jace replied in his sleepy voice.

"Whatever bruh." I said as I laid back down and closed my eyes.

Maybe I was asking too much and needed to mind my business.


The next day rolled by and Jace was gone when I woke up.

I didn't think too much of it and just figured he was busy and had a lot of shit to take care of.

I was scrolling on Instagram when I got a call from an unusual number.

I answered and put the phone to my ear.

"Hello?" I asked.

"Hey..." a soft familiar voice said.

"Don't hang up on me.. I know you're mad at me but can we just talk? I was wrong." Asia said.

I just sighed and listened to what she had to say.

"I tried to talk to you the other day but you blocked my number. I'm really sorry for how things ended and I'm aware that I overreacted." She continued.

"I really do love you Sin. I really hope you can forgive me and we can work on what we had because I wouldn't wanna let all those years we spent together go down the drain like that." Asia said. I could tell she was crying.

"Look, I'm not mad at you Asia. You never loved me like I thought you did. When you love someone you don't just throw them away for the smallest reason and start fucking with someone else within a month. " I responded.

"But Sin-" Asia cut me off.

"Nah, you had your chance so let me finish first." I said.

"It was so easy for you to just move on and forget about my existence. Where were you when I lost my mom? You didn't even fucking check on me or ask how I was doing. That's not fucking love Asia. It never was love. Only thing that was real in the relationship was me and my part." I explained.

"Sincere, I'm so sorry. Please forgive me I wish I could go back. I'm here for you and I promise I'll do better this time. Just give me another chance." Asia begged.

"Nah, I'm coo. You realize what you left me for wasn't worth it and now you wanna come running back to me tryna rekindle that shit." I replied.

"Sincere, it's not even fucking like that. I cut him off." She said.

"I don't really care to be honest, no offense to you Asia." I responded.

"So you don't have any feelings for me anymore?" Asia asked and I could hear her voice cracking through the phone.

"Imma always love you Asia. But you made me feel and look like a goofy. You wasn't there for me when I needed you most and I don't think I could ever bet over that shit." I said.

"What, you got a new bitch or something ? Huh Sincere?" Asia questioned.

"Here you go." I said as I sighed.

"Nah, you got a new bitch? I promise you she won't love you like I did." Asia said.

"Asia just shut up. You sound crazy right now. Talk to me when you've calmed down and ready to speak like grown people.  I forgive you though." After saying that I hung up and just shook my head in disbelief.

Crazy how when you get into a relationship people start caring and wanting you back.

Asia knew she was wrong for what she did and now she wanted to apologize for it when it was much too late.

To be honest, although I did still have some feelings for Asia, they were slowly leaving as I began to spend more and more time with Jace.

He was just so different and gave me a new vibe that I liked.

Short chapter... I know... tell me some ideas that you guys might have or if you want the book to be in another perspective for a chapter or a few.

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