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The remainder of the car ride was dead silent.

I looked out the window as raindrops fell against the windshield.

I noticed we were now approaching Jace's house.

My stomach turned and it felt almost as if I was going to throw up.

I really didn't wanna come back here ever again.

I was thinking when me and Jace broke up, that we'd never speak again.

But who was I fooling? Knowing how Jace was, he'd always get what he wished for.

I continued to stare out the window as Jace pulled into the driveway.

"Get out." He said.

I quickly opened the door on my side and got out.

Hearing Jace's door slam behind me as I walked towards the front door of the house, I pulled out my key from the purse I was holding.

I was about to use it to open the door when Jace rushed in front of me and opened the door with his key.

I hesitated to go in and just stood there.

"C'mon! Fuck you just standin there fa?" Jace questioned as he mugged me.

I finally walked in and put my purse on the kitchen counter.

Jace closed the door behind me and walked over to me.

"Hope you finally realized yeen going no where." He said to me.

"So make yourself comfortable, Sincere. You back home now." He continued as he began to walk away.

All of this shit was just making my blood boil.

Who the fuck did he think he was tryna control what the fuck I do and make choices for me?

"I might be back over here or whatever, but I'm never gonna be yours." I replied.

"Fuck you say?" Jace asked as he walked up to me.

"I'm not yours. We ain't together! " I yelled in his face.

"Shut the fuck up." Jace said as he cupped my jaw in his hands and looked down at me.

I spat directly in his face which made him instantly let me go.

Looking at him I could see he was trying his best to calm himself down.

I didn't care though.

"Get the fuck out my face." I said as I grabbed my purse putting it over my shoulder walking up the stairs.

I went up to my room and into the bathroom.

I took a shower and got ready for bed.

When I was done handling my business I walked out the bathroom, closing the door and sat on the bed.

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