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Hideyoshi's POV of The Lone Dove

Sakura-Blossom. That was her name to me. Ever since I was a boy, sitting opposite the man who held the world on his shoulders, the perfected John Parker, with his wife, Christina Parker directly next to him was the second I saw the young child, blonde and iridescently beautiful blonde child in her Father's arms.

I overheard a set of 'Congratulations' bowed to my Father, for being assigned the Hong Kong district of the infamous Parker's Manufacturing Computer and Designs district. I remember not caring about my Father's promotion as I stared into the green eyes of the Sakura (Cherry-blossom). I stepped up to her, eyes only on her in her Father's arms.

That was the first time John Parker turned his eyes to me, before turning to his daughter, who was staring down at me too. Her mother smiles in her silver dress, lowering the girl in next to me, "Poppy, this is Hideyoshi." She whispers, giving me a warm smile as my cheeks pale as I stare at Poppy.

I swallow, holding my hand out, "Can I show you the garden?" I ask her.

John Parker gestures for the two guards at the door, before leaning down to press a kiss to his daughter's nose, staring protectively at her, "Can I, Dad?" She asks him, I fidget with my fingers at his scrutinising gaze. He curls a necklace around her neck, letting it drape against her skin.

"Now, you can, Dove."


(Osamu Mukai- as Hideyoshi Tsuen)
(Gemma Chan - as Reina Tsuen)
(Takeshi Kaneshiro - as Yuko Tsuen)

CHAPTER 1: A Life In Hong Kong

I was young when I watched a hotel staff member in Japan send my mother, Reina Tsuen, the most extravagant artist in all of Japan be turned away from being granted a room because no source of ID had been supplied by Father's assistant. Yuko Tsuen, the prestigious manager of the Parker's Manufacturing Computer and Software Designing Enterprise in Hong Kong, even though we are Japanese, had to fly over from Hong Kong to provide it.

For my great grandmother's funeral.

We didn't return after that incident.

"Hideyoshi, over here!" Paparazzi.

I stepped up to the red carpet, ignoring Tao Lei, my closest friend and confidante chuckles wildly as he jogs up the red carpeted steps and wraps an arm around my suit covered shoulders. Facing the cameras of the Wang Press, he smirks wide, "Hideyoshi Tsuen, just the man I've been looking for." He tells me, sending peace signs towards the raging press and paparazzi organisations that swarm us like gnats.

"Tao Lei, I hear you lost a few sponsors in your modelling expedition." I take note of, raising an eyebrow his way, his dark brown eyes and sharp pitch black strands spike up in special gel. While he laughs off my comment and we take more photos for the press, he promises a fight later. We both train together in a Karate class with my personal gym trainer.

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