Escaping the Forge

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I looked over at Terrance and made eye contact, he was calm and collected, something I wish the others in my troop were. I waved a couple signals at him, and he nodded. He picked up a nearby rock and threw it across the arena.

It hit the wall with a clatter and the dragon immediately jerked his head towards the rock. A booming voice sounded out, "Did you really think I would be fooled by that?" the dragon suddenly poked its head from around the rock, glaring straight at Terrance.

His eyes went wide with fear, his body froze, he was trapped in the small room with the dragon getting closer to him.

"Everyone move now!" I screamed. The dragon, startled, whipped around as Orico grabbed it by the horn and threw it against the ground. Terrance lunged out of the room and joined in the assault. Landon and Luca, being careful of its claws, grabbed them and held them tightly. Terrance, tackling the tail, held it down, and I leaned on its neck, pressing my hands directly on its carotid artery, cutting off its circulation to its head.

Even malnourished it was still a dragon, so it was powerful. The dragon snapped its head up throwing Orico off him and me off his neck, it thrashed its legs and threw Lucas and Landon off, slicing Landon's left leg open. He howled in pain as Terrance went flying into the air as the dragon flung him off its tail.

The dragon smelt Landon's blood and slowly turned its head around, "You're weak," it said, its eyes narrow and deadly.

Landon crawled back terrified as Lucas tried to get up, "You'll be a delicious first meal," it said, drooling at the mouth.

"Well come at me then!" Landon roared. The dragon lunged with its claws out and Landon clenched his eyes shut, ready to die. He felt the blistering heat of the dragon's gullet and the ghastly smell of his breath but didn't feel the snapping jaws.

He opened his eyes and saw dripping blood. In the small-time frame of the dragon lunging at Landon I managed to get between them.

I held the dragon by the mouth, my hands holding open its jaws, the blistering heat burning my skin "Leave him alone!" I snapped. The adrenaline worked its way through my body and was the only reason I was holding open the dragon's mouth, but even so I was losing strength because of the blistering heat, melting the skin on my hands and the blood boiling in my palms.

I snapped the dragon's head to the side, and it fell to the ground. I raised my arm and elbowed the dragon in the side of the head, it felt like I had broken my elbow, but I shattered the dragon's scales. I stood above the dragon, adrenaline fueled rage drove my actions. I raised my hand above my head, I wanted to kill this thing, to protect my troop, and I was going to do it. I dropped my fist with all my strength.

STOP! A voice rang out.

Everyone stopped and looked around. I stopped, just centimeters from the dragon's neck, it probably wouldn't have done anything, but I was going to find out. "Where are you?" I asked quietly.

The dragon looked at me with wide eyes, "You've heard it too?"

I looked down and got off the dragon's head and backed off, "Logan what was that voice?" everyone asked collectively.

I shook my head, "I don't know, but I'm going to find out,"

"Logan, we need to focus on escaping," Terrance stopped my train of thought in a single moment, ordering me to stop planning what I was planning.

The dragon stood up, we both made eye contact and collectively knew that we needed to find that voice, "I'm coming with you," he said.

"Woah hold on!" Lucas snapped, "What's going on? Why are we suddenly trusting this dragon?"

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