Broken Walls

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"I want you to show me," Hjan said, the robe sloppily wrapped around her, the soft fabric just barely exposing her shoulders. I felt my face go flush and my heart thump. I glanced at the queen, silently begging for help, but she only shook her head and shrugged, clearly enjoying the show. I chucked nervously with my hands in the air, "What do you mean Hjan?" I didn't want to do this in front of the queen! I shouldn't be disputing a simple question with my dragon in front of the queen of all creatures!

Hjan curled her face in an aggressive thinking frown and grabbed my hand. I felt my heart burst in my ears when she placed my hand right above her breasts, "Show me! I'm here, in my anthro form! I'm sure I have the anatomy of a human, or elf, or dwarf, so show me!"

The queen suddenly stood up, that caught her attention, and in a bad way I could hear it in her heartbeat, it beat in a worried manner, "What is the meaning of you coming here?" she asked calmly.

"Logan was telling me how babies are made and I didn't understand, so I wanted him to show me because I didn't understand!"

The queens heart settled and she sat back down, "Oh, is that all?"

I tried to plead with the queen, "Your majesty, please, reason with Hjan! I'm not well equipped to tell her how babies are made!"

The queen stepped forward, "Hjan, Logan has said that he doesn't know how they're made, if you're truly curious then our library has a copy of every book ever published, you can find an explanation in there,"

"But!" she took my other hand and held it gently.

"HJAN!" I shouted. She let go of my hands with a stunned and scared look in her eyes, I could see she was sweating and her eyes were slightly watery. I held my angry gaze and muttered, "Too far,"

Hjan narrowed her eyes and groaned. She let go of my hand and walked out of the room, "Alright fine! I'm sorry for dragging you here Logan, I was only curious,"

I felt bad for pushing her away from an answer I could clearly tell her, but taking me here and trying to get me to show her using her body took it a step too far.

I sighed and hung my head low. I looked over at the queen, "Thank you your majesty. I'm sorry for bothering you like this; I didn't expect Hjan to take it this far,"

She shook her head, "No, it's not a problem, honestly, she reminds me of myself when I was a child, always doing everything I could to find out the answer, even if it meant taking it too far," she reminisced on her youth and wiped under her eyes, "So many fun times back then, I'm sure you have some memories you can recall that get you through hard times?"

I couldn't relate, my life was a battle, constant bloody battle. If I wasn't in a battle with my regiment and own army, I was fighting other species. I shook my head, "No your majesty, ever since my father died and mother passed my life has been all about being the best soldier for the human army I can be. So, I didn't spend free time having fun, I trained, constantly."

The queen seemed heartbroken by those words, "Really?"

I nodded.

She got off her throne and walked towards me. She wrapped me in a gentle hug without warning. I didn't know what she was going to do but hugging me was the last thing I thought she would do.

"I'm so sorry you grew up like that, no young boy should go through that,"

I don't know what it was about her, maybe it was the motherly aura she had that reminded me of my own mother, but for the first time in years, I felt my eyes well up with tears. I wrapped my arms around her stomach and tightly hugged her, gripping her dress tightly in my hands as I fought the urge to cry. There was no pain, nothing that irritated my skin, no strand of fabric out of place, or suture overlapping, her dress was perfect, and her claws were like Hjan's, so were her scales, they were perfect. "It's okay to cry Logan, I can feel your emotions have been pulled and stretched past the point of breaking. You're allowed to cry, you're allowed to feel,"

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