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Hjan's eyes lit up and he jumped about excitedly, jumping up and pushing off my chest, pushing me over, "Yay!" he cheered.

I smiled seeing him so excited and stood up, dusting off my pants and taking off the satchel. "Alright let's go," I pay my chest in a 'come at me' kind of motion and said, "Let's see what you got,"

Hjan lowered himself getting ready to pounce and jumped at me with a smile on his face. I slid out of the way and Hjan slid across the ground with his face scraping into the sand. He lifted his head and spit out the sand, shaking his head, "Ugh, why did you move?" he asked.

"Everything is going to move if you jump at it,"

He growled, "Ok then," he lunged at me, but not too far, only aiming at my feet. I, again, moved out of the way but he pivoted and swiped at my legs with his claws. He was very nimble with a lot of endurance for being so malnourished, but it wasn't fast enough. I let him hit my leg, slicing my clothing, but kicked him in the side gently, only enough to knock him over. I stepped on his chest gently pinning him down, "Good try, but if you're dealing with an opponent who is stronger and bigger than you, you don't want to prioritize their legs, they're more than likely going to do what I just did.

"Ok so what do I do then?"

"Go for points of weakness," I started pointing to spots on my body, the back of the knees, the neck, the liver, the neck, "Now, don't actually hit me there; with your claws you'll probably kill me,"

Hjan walked up to me and began pointing. "So, here, here, here, and here?" he said as he pointed to the same places I did.

I nodded, "Yes, now let's continue,"

We practiced for hours, not just fighting, but training on how to hunt, scavenge, sneak around, find shelter; I didn't know anything about being a dragon, so I tried to teach him some all-round skills, although, coming from a human perspective I wasn't much help when it came to hunting, seeing as he had weaponry built into his biology. I tried to teach him how to fish, but he seemed discouraged by the thought of going into water.

As the sun started setting, I stopped the lessons. Hjan stretched into downward dog and yawned, "What do we do now? Are we done for today?"

I picked him up and he curled into my arms, "Not yet there's one more lesson,"

I started walking towards the water. Hjan froze up and tensed, "Wait, hold on, let's talk about this," he said, desperately trying to convince me out of taking him into the water.

"It's fine, I'll be right here the entire time, we're not even going in that deep,"

Hjan gulped and still tried to talk me out of it, "You know, we've been doing a lot today, why not we just go to sleep? Those Tethered trees look mighty comfortable right now,"

I shook my head and took my first step into the soft waves of the lake, "Nope, you can't escape this lesson, come on,"

I walked into the water to the point where it reached my knees and started lowering Hjan into the water. The water was nice, the rising moon glimmered off the peaceful surface of the lake, the ripples from my legs continued through the water until finally setting.

Hjan's back-right claw touched the water and he screamed and pushed off me, flinging himself into the water. "Logan save me!" he screamed.

I rushed to his side and tried to grab him, but he was thrashing around too much for me to get a good grip on him, "Hjan calm down!" I directed.

"Logan help I'm going to drown!" He cried, flailing his wings and splashing water everywhere, he was only waist height, but he was making it seem like he was in the raging ocean.

A Pair to End The WarWhere stories live. Discover now