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The arena had nice perches dug out in the walls where the dragons could watch from above. I was sat between Archion, who was watching Oswald carefully, so he couldn't attack Logan maliciously, and Dawn, who was buried in her book, with Raytr watching her. Dyron was here, surprisingly, and he was sleeping on his perch, he must've been up late studying again. Fenrif and Gjtay were side by side and watching the sparring from above.

I watched the fights too, Logan was pretty efficient with all his weapons, and the queen even offered Logan his weapon and armor again, as long as he promised to keep them in check. He didn't trust himself not to hurt anyone, so he just kept everything in his room, next to his bed.

My eyes followed Logan closely, I was ready to jump in if anything went wrong, like he asked me. He was doing very well, he was easily taking on all of the riders at once thanks to my soul giving him a heightened sense of balance and alertness.

"You know, you don't have to watch him so intently," Dawn chuckled.

Her talking to me broke my concentration. I blinked a couple times and yawned, "I'm doing what he asked me,"

Dawn seemed distrusting of that, "Mm-hm, sure, I've seen that look before," Dawn flipped the page and continued with a sardonic tone, "I've heard it all before, 'I don't know what you're talking about. I only hide the fact that I love you.' Don't waste my time Hjan. Gjtay tried to do the same thing when I figured out she loved Fenrif, now look at them," Dawn pointed over to the two with her claw, never looking up from her book.

I looked over at the two of them, they were talking and laughing, sitting next to each other, very close to each other. I looked back down at Logan as he grabbed the training swords blade from George, his scales protecting his hand from being cut. I gulped as I watched him gracefully move and avoid each swing the other riders had thrown at him.

He'd formed such a nice relationship with them. They hated him for the first 4 weeks of him being there, but everything just flipped in one night; I don't even know what happened. Now, he's got a great relationship with everyone, except Oswald that is, he still hates him.

My soul and his have gotten a stronger connection too, I sometimes I can feel what Logan is feeling, it's very vague though and I have to be focusing on it to feel it.

I've told the other dragons about Logan and mine's soul and they seemed intrigued about it, they've said that they didn't even know that dragons could do that, but besides that they seemed understanding of it. From what I know the other riders don't know about Logan's situation they know about the scar and the scales, because he trains without his shirt on, but they don't know what it's from or what it is, and they don't seem to ask questions.

Dawn blushed at her book and closed it with a cheeky grin on her face. I watched her wings flutter and she dragged her claws across the ground with an excited giggle. "What's going on?" I asked her.

She slid the book to her side, only to slide it back in front of her. I looked up and caught Raytr peek a glance at her before smiling. Dawn picked up the book, ready to say something before setting it down and taking a quick breath, "The main characters have just confessed to each other in the heat of a battle,"

I smiled, even though I didn't see anything big about it "That's good, is that all?"

Dawn shook her head, "No, they've just kissed!"

"And that's big how?"

"Every time they've kissed in the past it was by accident, or because one of them needed CPR. This is the first kiss they've actually had!"

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