A scary situation

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I followed Logan's scent through the castle, retracing his steps, to find where he had gotten his wings. The floor didn't absorb his smell so it was easy to pinpoint and follow it through the castle, along with the slight smell of blood. "What caused this?" I whispered.

I followed the scent to a far dark part of the castle that seemed to be less taken care of than the rest of the castle, it was still clean, but it wasn't polished like the rest of the castle, which might be because the cleaners hadn't reached tis part of the castle yet.

The scent led me through the dimly lit hallways, which made my heart thump in fear, to an open door with droplets of blood soaked into the wood. I could smell the magic further up the tower and decided to follow it.

The scent got weaker and weaker as I walked up the tower, so I knew I was getting close. The tower was cold but humid, the walls covered with ice and moss and the stairs slightly soaked from humidity, "Why would Logan come here?"

I sniffed the walls and pulled my head back in disgust; it smelt like vomit and burning flesh; I covered my nose "How did Logan handle this smell?" I held my breath and quickly ran up the stairs, pushing through the door at the top and closing it behind me, "Whatever is up here isn't worth that smell," I quickly ate my words when I looked out over the town. The tower was on the far north of the castle, and I could see out over the entire northern side of the Hidden world, the shimmer of the white snow in the moonlight, the light reflection on the ice lakes, the soft glow of the houses and the calming whistle of the artic wind. It's cold temperature was no match for the coziness the Northern part of the Hidden World emanated.

My soul felt warm and I couldn't help but smile. Using my enhanced sight I spied on the dragons dwarfs and elfs in the town. They were all getting along, and dancing to music, with each other. I watched the dragons dance around with the elfs, and dwarfs, and other dragons in gleeful splendor, while I scowled in jealous rancor; I wanted that, I wanted to dance with Logan like that, with the dragons like that, with everyone like that.

I watched the villagers dance and listened to the lively music play. I closed my eyes and let my mind wander.

Scenarios passed through my mind, many scenarios. I ate food, played games, enjoyed the music playing, I even danced with Dyron, but my stomach fluttered and my tail wagged when I thought of Logan taking the place of Dyron.

I sighed and shook my head, still coming down from the love struck, "Logan what am I going to do?" I leaned against the stone fence of the tower and traced my claws across the stone, "I need therapy," my battle sense alerted me to someone's presence and I whipped around, "Whose there?"

Complete silence.

I looked around, wary of any noise, "One more time, who's there?"

Suddenly I felt something get lodged between the scales on my neck. I flinched and smacked the attacker away, pulling out a thick needle from between my scales, laced with something. The figure stood up, holding three more needles, they didn't say anything, they only stared.

My body suddenly felt heavy and my vision went fuzzy, "What did you poison me with?" I tried to swipe at them again but my arms weren't even strong enough to flinch them.

Their voice was hard and coded, I could barely understand them "Tell the boss we got one of them,"

I closed my eyes and panted heavily, "Help... me," 

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