The Curse

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Hjan set me down on the ground, he looked around, we were on top of the mountain, multiple floating island surrounded us and the clouds moved like water.

"I think this will put a damper on our trip to finding you a dragon parent," I laughed weakly. 

He looked down and sighed, "Logan, are you still with me?"

I grunted in pain, as the rot covered more and more of my skin, "Barely, I'm feeling a little under the weather," I let my head flop to the side and saw we were above the clouds. I smiled slightly and chuckled, "with my head in the clouds,"

"Come on this is no time to joke we need to do something about this" Hjan poked the arrow. I tried to snap the arrow but was too weak to do so. "Don't move these are Eldritch arrows." 

"Obviously, these were the arrows we saw in the merchants shop" I said weakly as I tried to force myself to move. I let my body collapse and I fell back with a hard cry of pain, "And there's not a known cure for the poison,"

"I know, but there has to be something I can do!" He growled in frustration, "If I had only stolen that Heartwood like I wanted to! My gut told me to, but I didn't want to disappoint you!" Hjan said scurrying around me. 

"Aw, thank you being honest!" I said putting my hand on my chest. I tried to break the arrow again, but I was still too weak. I felt my eyes getting heavy and my limbs started disappearing from my body, "Hjan listen to me,"

Hjan leaned into me, "What?"

"I need you to listen. I'm bout to drop some life advice," I chuckled.

"Logan! Not now, we need to heal you,"

I didn't care I kept talking, "Protect those who stand behind you, respect those who stand besides you, and those who stand against you, show no mercy to them,"

"Logan! Stop with the mystic wisdom," Hjan said in return while pacing the ground "What am I going to do!" Hjan cried, frantically pacing. 

"Hey, I just dropped some of the best wisdom ever and you're going to make me throw up with your pacing! I'd rather not throw up before I die" I said, my breath slowing down to a light yawn. Hjan circled me scratching his head. "Hjan, I'm sorry that I can't keep protecting you, and I'm sorry I didn't teach you enough,"

Hjan, without thinking yank the arrow out of my chest, bringing me back to reality for a second.

"Ouch!" I screamed.

"Good you're back! Stop it, you aren't going to die, I promise, not now, not after the past couple of days" He ran to the edge of the island looking for any sign of life. "Someone, help us!" He shouted into the distance. He ran back and saw that I wasn't moving and that the arrow was lying on the ground. "No, no, no, no, no, come on, come on, come on, don't die, pleeease don't die! I can't let you die after how much you've helped me, I can't continue without you! You're the only friend I have!" He tried to heal my wounds with some healing magic he had learned decades ago, but it didn't do anything, it only healed the rotting flesh, not the arrow wound itself. He started panicking. He raced back and forth calling for help, but he soon realized that it wasn't going to come. He ran over to me and ripped off my chest plate, only to see that the entirety of my chest was rotting away.

He laid down next to me and lowered his head onto my legs hoping I'd wake up. He closed his eyes hoping that something would come to him, a spell, an antidote, something. "Please, don't take him from me!" he begged the universe. Then he felt something; he felt a hand, and heard a voice, one he'd heard long ago. He got up following the voice. He looked down at my body, "Ok, I hope this works" Hjan placed his claws over the wound hoping as hard as he could that this would work and began to chant "Gjandjs harnum figlym"

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