Boy Problems

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I tried so hard to focus on my book, but I couldn't get Logan out of my head, it was infuriating! I growled and pressed my snout in my book, "Stupid Logan, why are you clueless! It makes you obnoxiously cute!"

Dyron, who I had come to see, was sitting beside me with his own books, the same one from before, and 8 books, 4 on geology and 4 on ancient ruins, put his book down. He looked down at me and placed a wing over my back, "Why are you here?"

"Well I figured I'd talk with you, you're nice to talk to,"

Dyron looked away, abashed, and reached for a random book he didn't need, "Well, Gjtay is more attuned to love advice than me, I'd go talk to her about your issues with Logan,"

"But I don't want love advice,"

"Well what do you want?"

"I want to talk to him about it,"

"Then talk to him about it," Dyron said calmly.

"But I can't,"

"Why not?" He said slightly agitated.

"Well I can,"

"Then do it!" He snapped.

I rolled over and pressed my claws into me face, "You don't understand!"

"No I don't!" Dyron snapped slamming his book closed and dropping it to the ground. He groaned and calmed down, taking a deep breath to do so. He picked up the book on his species and stood up, "Hjan, you girls are confusing, you say one thing mean another, do one thing and because you meant another thing. If you want advice on guys, then take it from me. We're simple, sit him down and talk with him,"

"Ugh, but I can't!"

Dyron groaned and started placing the books back on the shelf "Hjan, I'm not playing these games with you. I'm putting away my books, my research, so you have my full attention. If you're not forward with me by the time I'm done putting away my books then I'm going to leave,"

"Well how do I be forward?!" I asked.

"Say what's on your mind,"

"But I don't know what's on my mind!" I cried.

Dyron sat down next to me, with a smile, it was the first time I'd seen him smile, "See, there you go. Forward, simple, that's how you communicate, not this back and forth bullshit you girls all seem to love doing,"

"But that wasn't forward," I corrected him.

"It was better than, I want to talk to him, and I can, but I can't. That's an oxymoron, men don't like those. You saying you don't know what's on your mind is straight forward, it's probably got more branches on the main point, but you laid out the main point, and from there we can piece together the side points as we go. Now, what's the first side point,"

"I don't know," I sighed. Dyron groaned and flicked my head and I winced, "Hey! What was that for jerk?!" I snapped.

"You obviously know, otherwise you wouldn't have a problem. So, try again,"

I grabbed my head and squeezed, trying to think of something, "I don't know! It's just Logan!"

"What about him?"

"Ever since I've grown into my adult body he's been acting so strange. And I know why, it's because of my human form, he seems attracted to it."

"And is that wrong?"

"Well no, obviously not, cause I'm attracted to him. But the problem is... it's just a problem," I snapped energetically, waving my claws around like a madman

Dyron chopped my head, "Wrong! Again!"

"Ow! Hey come on, I'm trying my best!"

"Try harder," Dyron said bluntly. He sat in front of me and looked down on me, a slight smile on his face, "Hjan, come on, you're so close to finding the root of the problem,"

I squeezed my head, like an orange, I was trying to juice the thoughts out of my head, "I'm trying! It's just a problem! But why? It's because I... want... to... know?"

"Know what!" Dyron cheered.

"I just want to know! I want to know everything! I want to know how I feel! I don't know how I feel! I feel attraction, and... arousal, but I don't know if that's deeper than the surface!" I covered my head, preparing to block a hit, instead I felt a gentle hand.

I opened my eyes and saw Dyron smile, a kind smile, a natural one, not a forced one like many times before. I felt butterflies in my stomach when he smiled, my mouth wanted to form words, but I couldn't seem to find them.

"Now that you've found the root of the problem. Go talk with someone else, I'm not the one to ask about this," Dyron pet my head for another moment before walking away with his book.

I watched him walk away. My heart drummed in my ear and my tail wagged slightly, his phantom touch still lingering. "When did he get so cute?" I gulped and stood up, "I've got to find Gjtay, she'll know how to help me," 

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