The East

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The air hummed with alacrity, hundreds of voice all fighting for the attention of consumers. The smells of meat, vegetables, fruits, spices and people was carried through the air. For being a market, it was fairly tame, even compared to the elf's, and they were stingy with their formalities and how they looked in the public eye. We'd been in town for roughly 4 hours already and Holly was super ardent and imperious with everything she'd told me about the village so far. We'd stayed relatively in town, not venturing for out into the rural area of the Hidden world, which was fine, this day trip would probably turn into a week trip if we were to venture into the rural parts of the Hidden World.

Holly dodged and weaved through the crowd like it was second nature, dragging me behind her by the hand with a gently grasp around my hand. While I was silently freaking out, Holly was calm and collected, her face never shifting out of her smile.

I glanced around constantly, dwarfs and elfs alike gave me strange looks, but the dragons seemed interested in me, very interested, because they kept stopping Holly to give me things.

"Here! For you," One dragon said, handing me a large citrus.

"Um, no I possibly couldn't take this!" I said handing it back sheepishly.

The dragon shook his head, "No! Please, I insist, I know how much you humans need vitamin C to war doff infection. We wouldn't want another human getting sick her!"


Before I could ask anything else another dragon handed me a large basket filled with scented candles. He smiled at me and walked away without saying a word.

"Holly, Help! They're giving me things!"

Holly looked back and I held up the large citrus in one hand and the scented candles in the other, other dragons were behind me, holding gifts of their own.

Holly cleared her throat and announced, "If you have any gifts for the Rider Logan! Give them to the guards at the castle! They'll take them to his room,"

The dragon bowed and left us alone.

I sighed and thanked Holly. She gave me a alluring smile that made me blush. I cleared my throat and looked around the town, "So what do we do now?"

Holly looked around shyly "Well, I was thinking,"

Before she could finish I heard a voice behind me, "Logan?" it was Ellie.

I grabbed Holly's hand and looked her in the eyes. She blushed with a stunned gasp, "Come on, let's get going!"

I pulled her through the crowd, carefully avoiding elves and dwarfs while Ellie's voice got more and more distant.

I didn't know where I was taking her, but I was taking her away from Ellie. I didn't want to be caught by her and have to go through the town tour in a sprint, only to immediately go to some restaurant.

I pulled Holly into an alleyway between two shops. Two bins filled with trash, humidity and trash water (which was mostly rotting fruit and vegetables) made the air revolting. "Did we lose her?" I asked, looking out into the crowd.

Holly panted and peeked around the corner. She saw Ellie, but she was walking in the opposite direction of others, "Yes, I think so," Holly looked back and 'admired' the alleyway, "This place is very... vibrant,"

I leaned against the wall and sighed, "I didn't mean to pull you in here, it was just the closest place I could,"

Holly dragged her foot through the puddle of trash water and shook off the water, "So, what do you want to do now? We've seen most of the town, there's not much left to see,"

A Pair to End The WarOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora