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I panted heavily, my throat was dry and felt like I was swallowing knives. My body was bruised and bloodied, even through the scales, the dragons weren't holding any punches, especially Raytr. My scales protected me from any concussions and broken bones. I was stupid enough to be cocky and try to tank through them, but quickly learned that my scales didn't have the same strength as Hjan's scales, so the dragon could easily cut through them with their claws. Hjan's soul clotted the wounds right after I was cut, and the dragons were careful to not aim for vital spots, but it still hurt like hell.

Fenrif slapped me across the face and I went spinning into a wall, "Come on Logan, we can't be here all night,"

I looked round the darkness, fighting the temptation to use my enhanced senses, "You got somewhere to be Fenrif?"

I felt his knee sink into my stomach and I countered with a punch to what I thought was his face, but ended up being his arm. He jumped back before slashing my inner leg, making me take a knee, "Yes in fact, Gjtay and I are going on a date to the west side of the Hidden world, it's very nice you should go with Hjan,"

I spat on the ground and kicked my leg as the wound clotted and scabbed over, "I'll keep that in mind," I felt the wind of his wind on my neck and grabbed him by the foot, slamming him into the ground.

"Have you gone to see the West?"

I turned and started running as Fenrif followed me from above. I could hear him above me but I couldn't do anything without knowing for certain where he was. I was careful to not run face first into the walls of the maze, which is a mistake I made during the first hours of this exercise. I held my hand out and stopped when I felt wall, I would still slide into the wall, but it was better than plowing face first into a wall. I rolled into my hand and reached out with both hands, trying to find where the maze turned. "No I haven't, I've been kinda busy. Besides Holly already showed me the East," I ran to the right when I didn't feel my hand touch anything. Fenrif stopped in front of me and kicked be back, rocketing me into the wall.

"You should really go see the other sectors of the Hidden world, The north is very beautiful this time of year, it's very lively,"

"I'll keep it in mind,"

"Hey, you didn't hear this from me, but... Hjan is very emotional right now, and I think she needs some comfort, especially from you,"

I ignored his remark "I'll take Holly, maybe it'll be a fun date,"

Fenrif grabbed me by the arm and stopped me in my tracks. His voice welled with anger, "Hjan needs you Logan, something's wrong with her, and she needs you, we've all tried to comfort her, but she's shut us out. Dyron tried to help, but she even shut him out, and they're best friends,"

"I know, Hjan's feeling down because she can't find a cure for my curse, I know this already,"

Fenrif growled and threw me, "You don't understand!"

I planted my hand into the ground, dragging it through the hard dirt. My momentum was too much and I couldn't stop, luckily I launched into something soft. When I hit it I felt water touched my skin, it was Dawn

I bounced off and dusted myself off "Oh hi Dawn,"

She pat my shoulder, "Hi. I have to hit you now,"

I caught her fist as she punched and pushed her back, she wasn't very strong nor as nimble as the other dragons, so she was fairly easy to take out.

Fenrif dropped from above me and kicked the back of my knees before punching me across the jaw. "Come on Logan, you're strong!"

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