The Forbidden forest

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I don't know how long I was out, but when I came to I felt a warm breeze blowing across my face and the smell of misty tree around me. It was a calming and tiring smell, it made me want to sleep some more.

Hjan's voice rang through the distance, "Logan are you awake!"

Then before I could answer something pounced on my chest, it felt like an adolescent owl bear jumping on my chest. It hurt a lot, especially with the claws... claws?

I opened my eyes and sat up, in front of me I saw Hjan, but he was bigger, like a lot bigger, his was at least 12 feet long, not including his tail, which alone was like 6 feet. His scales had grown and had a constant fluctuating red and black hue to them. On his back some of the scales were jetting off his like spikes, his claws were more curved and larger and his wings had a gorgeous design on them. His snout was longer and his teeth were more uniform and straight than they were before.

"Hjan is that you?"

"Ya it is," his voice thankfully didn't change much, "I'm a little bigger now,"

I was too stunned to say anything else, but I did notice that my chest place was hanging nicely in a tree, not damaged, just hanging in a tree. I pointed at it and Hjan chuckled slightly and his face turned red, his scales changing colors to show he was blushing, "Yes I did that I'm sorry; I didn't know what to do, you stopped breathing! So, I kind of just ripped off your chest plate and tried to bring you back," Hjan gently pounded the ground with his claw to show what he had done.

I broke myself out of my stunned silence and cleared my throat, "You did good Hjan," I stood up and pat his head. His purr was no longer a purr, it was more of a contempt roar, one that shook my chest.

Hjan flopped onto the ground and yawned, "Who were those pair?"

I shook my head and reached into the tree, taking my chest plate off the branch it was hanging from, along with my sword. A sharp pain jabbed my lungs and I coughed, only hurting myself more; Hjan had probably damaged a couple ribs when administering CPR.

"Also just to let you know, you're burned... all over,"

I dropped my chest plate on the ground and lifted my shirt, he was right, I had first degree burned all over my skin. I picked my chest plate up and quickly put it on; "I don't know who that pair was, but I have a feeling that they're going to be hunting us,"

I looked back and saw Hjan's scales were a dark shade of green, "That dragon was terrifying, his magical presence was stronger than mine, and his almost killed you. He chained me up with magic, it felt like I was chained back up in the forge,"

I wrapped my arms around Hjan's snout and squeezed him tightly, "I promise that they'll never do that to you again Hjan. If I ever see them again I'll kill them both,"

Hjan let out a soft sigh and let his head rest, "Thank you Logan,"

Something about that dragon didn't seem right though, why did he let me go? Why was he so remorseful?

"What do we do now?" Hjan asked. I let him go and he started walking around.

I followed him as he walked, the tree weren't normal trees, they had a veil of mist coming from their branches, and their roots were covered in hundreds of fungi. I squatted down and picked one of the mushrooms off the root. I took the mushroom and placed it in my bag, while also pulling out my map. The map seemed to be confused because it stayed blank. I took the mushroom out of my bag and cautiously set it back down on the ground "Hjan, don't go too far. I don't know where we are,"

I looked up and Hjan was gone, nowhere to be seen. I darted my eyes, desperately searching for Hjan, "Hjan!" I shouted, "Hjan come out this isn't funny!"

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