The Demon

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I pulled the wraps off my head and rubbed my neck, "Could you have been so rough?" I asked.

The kidnapper pulled off his mask and handed me some water and food, "Sorry Hjan, but your scales are hard to get through, and I had to be a little rough to get through your scales,"

Hjan lapped the water and ate some of the food while the kidnapper set up a fire for them. Hjan looked to the sky and reminisced in sweet memories while admiring the stars and deep space, not being restricted by light pollution they left her mesmerized. "You know, Logan and I, we camped out under the stars like this one time. It was so wonderful. I wish he were here to see this too,"

The kidnapper pulled out a mortar and pestle and started grinding some heart herbs and smoke weeds, "You care a lot about Logan huh?"

I looked at the ground and smiled, "Ya I do," I touched my chest and could feel Logan's heartbeat, it was fast and erratic, must've been from his training, "I wonder what they're doing," I thought about what I had said to him before, when I stormed off. It was necessary to the plan for tonight.

I had gone to see the queen like Archion told me and the other dragons were there. They filled me in that we were going to have a drill where I was going to be 'kidnapped' and taken away while the riders tried to find me. I asked what I needed to do, and they told me: 'We need Logan agitated slightly, make him worried, not about your safety, but just worried ok?'

I asked them why they needed me to do that, and the told me that this exercise was to see how Logan react to a stressful situation and if he could work with a team.

It seemed like a good idea, especially since he'd been working well with the other, it'd be good for them to see how he'd react to a stressful situation, how much of a leader he was.

"So, tell me a little bit about your adventures before you came to the Hidden World,"

"Well, it wasn't anything special. He had only saved me three days before we were brought here,"

The kidnapper carried the thick paste he had been mashing together and placed it on Hjan's neck, "this'll help with the left over sedative," he started applying it to my neck, "So, three days huh?"

"Ya. It felt so much longer than that, but it was, in reality, only three days,"

"So not much happened?"

I shook my head, "I didn't say that. We met the travelling merchant, and he gave Logan a special set of armor and a sword imbued with water magic, which he still hasn't gotten back from the queen, and a couple herbs, which have all long been destroyed, rotted, or used. Then we appeared deep in the mountains. Logan almost died of frostbite so I had to save him with my fire breath, which was a bad idea because that lead Oswald and Archion to our position, where Logan almost died. Actually that happened 2 more times, when we were attacked by the spore beast and when he was shot with an arrow that pierced his heart,"

The kidnapper stubbed apply the paste and blinked a couple times, "Wow, Logan is a resilient human isn't he?"

I smiled, I couldn't help it, Logan just had that effect on me, "Ya he is? Now that I think about it, I've taken for granted how resilient he is. He's been battered, torn, gone through slavery, torture, and he's always come out on top." I looked out into the trees, watching the distance; I've never seen him cry either. There have been many nights where Logan has told me everything that's happened to him, and how he worries that he isn't strong enough to save those he loves. After everything he's told me, I know I'd cry and break down every night; I was a slave but my life consisted of the same thing over and over again until I went mad. Logan's though? He had so many defining moments that left him scarred.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29 ⏰

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