The Hidden World

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I slowly opened my eyes, I felt fuzzy, warm, and comfortable. I rolled over and adjusted myself on Hjan's stomach, "Hjan, did you grow fur or something?"

There was no answer.

I opened my eyes and my heart skipped a beat. I wasn't in the wild, I was in a bed, a very luxurious bed, one with silk sheets, the mattresses were softer than anything I'd ever felt, it wasn't too soft, wasn't too firm, it molded to the shape of my body, and when I moved it's mold lingered for some time.

I jumped out of my bed and hit the ground with a heavy thud, "What the hell?" I looked around, hjan wasn't anywhere to be seen. I felt a deep seated dread in my heat and I closed my eyes. I could still feel Hjan's heartbeat, and his emotions, he was content, but worried.

I looked down at my arms and legs, I was dressed in new clothing, very nice clothing, leather guarding's on my wrist and shoulder, some soft fabric for a shirt and some wool socks. "Where is my armor!?"

I ran to the door of the room when it opened on its own. I jumped back and in walked the elf from before, she was in a casual outfit, some loose-fitting arena clothing, basically the same thing as me, but they seemed to be looser around the legs and kept a kind of flexibility to them. She was also wearing a tank top, her back was very defined from her bow, but her arms were also defined probably from wielding a sword. She had a tray in her hands with food and water on it.

I won't lie the food was delicious looking and smelt even better. Bacon, eggs, roasted onion, toasted bread and butter, and a couple pancakes.

"I hope he likes this," she looked up and saw me standing there.

"Where's Hjan?" I asked eyeing her down, my arms crossed.

The elf slowly set the tray on the table next to me, "Calm down," she said slowly, raising her hands like she was trying to tame a wild animal.

I shook my head, rolled my eyes and lowered my hands, "I'm not a wild animal, I'm obviously in the territory of the enemy and they have me in a prison, what am I going to do? Fight my way out of here?" I shook my head, "No,"

Never taking her eyes off me she pushed the door shut with her foot, "Sorry, but when you attacked Oswald in the forest we kind of got the impression that you were hostile towards dwarfs and elfs,"

"I only attack when provoked, and last I checked Hjan suddenly dropped unconscious and you all showed up, I think that's enough evidence for me to go on the offensive; plus!" I pulled down my shirt to reveal the scales over my chest, "He killed me, I was just returning the favor,"

The elf looked away with a red face, "Yes, I'm aware, I'm the one who took you to your room, and changed you into your clothing; I'm aware of the wound you've sustained, if I may ask though,"

I shook my head, "No, I'm not telling you what happened, just know that the elf I attacked killed me and my dragon managed to bring me to life,"

The elf nodded and asked no further questions about the wound, "I don't think we've been properly introduced. I'm Holly," she held out her hand.

"Logan," I said cautiously as I shook her hand.

"The elf you attacked is Oswald,"

"Yes, I know his name, his dragon too, Archion, they told me and Hjan after they found us a second time," I put a little distance between the two of us, stepping back a couple steps, while she grabbed the tray "So, what were you doing at the forge?" I asked blatantly.

She stopped suddenly, almost spilling the tray. Her face turned red and she chuckled nervously, "Um what do you mean? I don't know what you're talking about!"

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