Out On The Town

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3 days later

Hjan flicked her tail in her sleep and slapped me across the face, waking me up with a jolt of pain with a shot of cold floor to back it up. My sense a couple weeks earlier would've killed me from that smack, but thankfully with the help of Hjan I was able to regulate my senses and switch between having normal human senses to Hjan's enhanced senses.

I laid on the ground as Hjan peeked over the bed. She stared at me with wide and apologetic eyes, "Sorry," she whispered.

I stare up with tired eyes and sat up, "It's fine, how'd you sleep?" I asked.

Like a liquid Hjan melted off the bed and onto me while I tried to escape. I wasn't quick enough and she crushed me under her full limp weight. "I slept fine, but I'm still tired. Let me just sleep here," she said falling asleep on top of me.

My body shook as she purred, it was... regretfully comfortable. I pushed her head off me and tried to shimmy my way out from under her, but she was like a massive lap dog, she was relentless. "Hjan! I need to get up! I've got to meet with Ellie to go into town today!"

Hjan jumped up excitedly and looked down at me, "You have a date!"

I looked away shyly and shook my head, timidly muttering "No, it's not a date, it's a royally assigned tour,"

"So, an assigned date?"

"You're not going to let it go are you?" I asked.

Hjan pranced around the messy room, kicking about the rugs blissfully unaware of what she was doing, and shook her head, "Nope,"

I rolled my eyes and organized the kicked rugs in a new place, "Alright whatever,"

Hjan hopped back on the bed, which made it creak and I could hear cracking, "I've got more lessons today, Archion is teaching me some more languages. So, I won't be back till very late tonight," Hjan closed her eyes when I took off my shirt and changed into my day clothes. I could smell Hjan's scent, that small magic scent grew and become more like the sound of Ocean currents, ironic because Hjan hated deep waters. It must've been from her growth in magic. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Hjan peeking through her claws. I slipped my shirt on and yawned, "Hjan, you don't need to hide behind your claws when I'm changing,"

"Well I don't want to see you naked!" she said with a flustered cry.

I turned around and put up my finger "First of all, I'm never fully naked in the company of someone, second," I pointed at her, "you're naked right now,"

Hjan's wings, like they were embarrassed for her flopped onto the bed and blocked her sides, "Well... yes, but it's natural for me! And when I'm in my human form I have a cloak,"

I shrugged, "That's true. Still you've seen me in even less clothing, back when I saved you, I only had a loin cloth,"

"Well yes, but, now, it's just different,"


"Well, your muscular, and...~" she uncovered her face and had a wavy and flustered frown on her face.

"And...?" I asked, continuing to change.

Hjan seemed reluctant to answer and only buried her face in the bed. I could hear her face bury into the bed and I knew she wasn't going to answer anything else. I shrugged and slipped on my pants and shoes, "Alright well, you don't need to worry anymore, I've leaving, so you don't need to worry,"

Hjan was still face down in the bed when she said "Alright, I'll see you later,"

I looked back at Hjan, it hurt my heart to see her so happy, not knowing that I was planning on escaping the Hidden World tonight. I had been studying the castle and I believe I'd found a way out behind the queens throne. I had managed to catch a glimpse of the hole last time I visited her for my therapy lessons. I had created a whole schedule of her day and had learned that she had a time around dinner where she would leave the throne room unattended, and I didn't need to worry about the guards because they were switching out. So I'd have roughly 15 seconds to get to the exit behind the queens throne before the new guards arrived.

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