Hjan's First Chapter

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Did Logan mean all that? Is my human form really that attractive? Wait hold on... The memory of me jumping on him stopped me in my tracks, I felt my face burn with hot blood. Oh my STARS! I jumped on Logan like a child! That must've been so awkward! I feel so bad! I should apologize! I turned around to go back to the room, but quickly changed my mind out of embarrassment. "Haha, nope, I'll do it later, he's probably busy right now,"

I kept my eyes laser focused on the distant wall and kept walking. "I'm a grown dragon now, and although I may not act it right now, I've got the body of a full grown dragon, I need to act like it! I can't just go jumping on him like I'm a child!" Hjan sighed, "Even if it is fun,"

I walked in silence, both in mind and body for 6 minutes until I reached the queens throne room, "Good morning," I told the guards. They didn't say anything, but appreciated my greeting. They opened the door and handed me my robe, which was made from a fine bamboo silk, which made it very flexible and very gently to the touch. I threw my robe over my back as I walked into the room.

Inside the room were the other dragons, 5 (not including Archion and the queen). As I changed into my human form I elegantly put on my robe, like how I saw the queen do it yesterday. By the time I was fully human I was completely covered and modest. "Good morning Hjan," the queen said kindly.

I looked away, avoiding eye contact with her, "Good morning," I whispered. I walked over to the table and sat down in a wooden chair next to Gjtay, who greeted her with a sneer glare.

The queen stood up and everyone else followed quickly, "Now that everyone is here, let's discuss the coming month, we've a lot to do," she turned her head to Archion, "Archion, would you care to vaguely go over Hjan's tasks?"

Archion nodded his head "Gladly," he stood up and pulled out a scroll. When he unrolled it, it rolled across the table in a cartoonish fashion, stopping right in front of me. I sighed and leaned into my hands, "This is going to take a while,"

There was silence around the room, everyone was watching me. I blushed, thinking That I was doing something wrong, or had said something wrong. Suddenly the room erupted with laughter, I sat there flabbergasted and confused as everyone laughed. Wanting to be in on the joke I slowly started laughing, darting my eyes back and forth.

"Sorry your majesty, I cracked," one of the dragon said.

The queen, who was laughing into her hand waved him off with her other hand, "It's alright, I couldn't hold it anymore either," The queen wiped her eyes and took a shaky breath, "Hjan, I apologize, it's common for us to make a joke of the new bonded dragons on their first day."

A dragon, he was colossal, bigger than everyone in the room spoke up. His skin was compressed and hardened, like volcanic rock, his eyes glowed with the brightness of lava in the night, his skin coursed with the bright red blood that was hot enough to create waves of heat in the air. His voice was powerful and cheerful, like a general talking to his daughter. His body was muscular, muscles swelling with each powerful breath he took. He didn't have any horns, but that didn't take away from his pure intimidation. Hjan looked at him, her brain short circuiting as he crossed his arms flexing his arms unintentionally, "It's true, they did the same thing to me, you should've seen it. Little old me was so terrified and ready to take on everything they had listed out, isn't that right Fenrif?"

Fenrif, who looked like Gjtay, but with more of a rosy, red hue and had spikes covering his back and arms, his voice sweet and kind, like the gently smell of a morning rose, "It was hilarious, he cried when we let him in on the joke, back when Raytr was much smaller and much more emotional!" Raytr and Fenrif both pushed each other around while laughing with each other.

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