Part 2: The Curse

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It's been 5 weeks since we arrived in the Hidden World. I've learned so much! Archion has been teaching me things daily, how to read, write, teaching me languages: draconic, elvish, dwarfish, and the sub languages in each. Of all of the language he's taught me, I prefer English, it seems to be everyone's first language, even the dwarfs and elfs, which is strange. I've been doing a lot of studying recently, reading up on dragon knowledge, species, ecology, biology, physiology, but mostly trying to find anything on my species. No luck on anything big, just a mention of the name in a single book about extinct dragon species, along with something called a Heavenly dragon and... Archion: Eldritch dragons. Besides that there was no knowledge about Chaos dragons or Heavenly dragons; there was plenty of information about Archion; probably because he was constantly exploring the world and interacting with other species, or that's what I've gathered from his stories. I've been hanging out with the other dragons recently, and I've gathered a lot of wisdom from each of them. Gjtay and Fenrif are very knowledge about survival and stealth; Dawn has a lot of book knowledge and is very shy about her likes, but will gladly talk on and on about them if you ask, she likes to talk about preferences in romance books, she likes them a lot; Raytr, although a massive brute, and very knowledgeable in fighting, and has taught me a lot about fighting in both my human form and dragon form, is very much like Dawn, while he is very boisterous and proud about himself, never taking a moment to downplay himself or others, he is very private about his likes he deems as— goofy, is the word he used? However, I managed to get him to open up once about it and he shyly told me he'd love to have a nice time reading a book or two with Dawn, because he thought she was cute when she'd get giddy about a book; Dyron, is Dyron. He keeps to himself outside of his room, and only ever comes to mandatory meetings, other than that he spends his time in the library, with the same book I saw him with before, it's very cute.

I've been reading a lot too recently. Dawn has been not so subtly suggesting me books to read, mostly romance, I've read some of them, and those have fueled my curiosity to read more... variety... but I honestly don't like the romance books except one, a love story between a vengeance fueled rogue and a long forgotten princess from a kingdom that had been burned to the ground, he saved her from a slavery camp without knowing who she was, she joined him on his adventure to find the banished king who slaughtered his village and in turn his parents. It was a very funny and goofy romance, that reminded me a lot of Logan and mines relationship, like a lot a lot, with its moments of amazing romance between the main characters, usually resulting in one of the side characters coming in and ruining the moment of tension, which squeezed my heart and made me jump around in an 'adorable rage' as Logan called it, each time it happened. I've read the series up until the most recent book, and now I'm waiting for the next one to be published and appear in the library. Besides that book series, I prefer historical books, the past is like it's own story, but with multiple perspectives.

Logan and I have been hanging out more and more recently, I can't seem to leave his side, and he can't leave mine. A lot of that reason is because of his soul, or more accurately mine. I've been searching for ways to reverse the curse, but I've had no luck, and it's really bringing me down, which is affecting my time with Logan. His sense of touch isn't bothering him anymore and he can pretty easily regulate his other senses with ease, being able to switch between his 'enhanced' senses and normal senses; which is mind boggling to me, because I'd lived with these senses all my life and never was able to regulate them. I asked him to teach me and through a lot of trial and error I managed a slight control over my senses too.

Logan has been hard at work with his training, but as of 1 week ago he's been too strong to spar with the riders. My soul, his curse, has made his strength too much and he's too strong to train with the other riders. 

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