Magnum Opis

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The merchant saw I was intrigued by the arrow and decided to sell it to me "Ah, you've found my Eldritch arrows,"

"What are they?" I asked, "I've never seen anything like them,"

"Yes, that's because they are made from the spike of the rarest dragon I've ever met, only one of his kind: An Eldritch dragon,"

"What's so special about them?" Hjan asked.

"The spikes produce a very potent poison, a poison that I can't seem to find an antidote for. I only have three in stock, and they've all been donated by a strange elf who always kept his face hidden from me. I don't know how he came across these arrows, but I assume he found the ancient Eldritch dragon and captured it, using it to create poison,"

I set the arrow back in the bin and looked for the normal arrows. They were in another bin, three to the right from the Eldritch arrows, which still had my attention, "I'll just take this for now,"

I walked over to the table and set the bow and quiver of 40 arrows on the table. I reached into Hjan's satchel and searched for the rune stone, "Where is it?" I asked searching the bag. The more I searched to more I realized that the bag, wasn't an ordinary bag, it was a pocket bag: a bag enchanted with an expansion spell, the bag has a massive internal storage.

"Is this a storage bag?" I asked.

The merchant nodded, "Yes, I only carry storage bags, it gets rid of the trouble of making multiple trips back to my table,"

"Could I take this when I'm done?" I asked, turning the bag over, letting the rune stone fall out by itself.

The merchant scrunched his face and debated, before ultimately agreeing, "Sure, I have many of them,"

"Great, could you also give me a map? Preferably the biggest one you have?"

The merchant grinned and reached under his desk. I watched as he pulled out a small, folded piece of paper from under the desk, "This map will display wherever you are and give you coordinates to the nearest towns,"

Hjan peered over the counter, "Wow really?"

The merchant leaned towards Hjan and booped his nose with his finger, "Yes, and it's just for you two,"

Hjan didn't like that, cause he reared his head back with a sour frown. I reached down and rubbed Hjan's head, "Come on, let's go get some fruits and herbs,"

Hjan followed me into the garden avoiding eye contact with the merchant. When the door was shut Hjan jumped onto my shoulders, "I don't like him," he said.

"He's just excited, you did give him an invaluable object, eight of them in fact," I leaned down and started picking multiple fruit and herbs: Shocking citrus, Pheonix blooms, Rock root, Hollow bark, just to list a few.

"I don't think he likes me because I set his forge ablaze with my fire."

"No, he's just excited, like I said."

Hjan locked his eyes on the Heartwood "So what do you think that Heartwood really does?" Hjan asked, watching it carefully.

I didn't even bother looking at it, "I don't know, I don't even think it's real,"

Hjan rebutted, "But the Merchant only accepts magical items as payment." I didn't even answer Hjan, I just kept picking fruit. When I felt that I gathered enough I asked Hjan how many items I had grabbed, "You handed me 186 items, I don't know what you handed me, but that's how much you handed me,"

I turned around and looked at the slightly more barren garden and felt that I had gathered enough. I scratched under Hjan's chin and smiled, "Alright I think it's time we leave,"

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