Big questions

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"This word is pronounced A-ne-no-me, even if it's spelt like Anemone, it's word origins come from ancient elvish which translates to 'Daughter of the wind' I remember when they first found created that word, I was great friends with the elf who made the word,"

I stared into the book full of pictures and samples of ancient flowers, "Really? How did he name it?"

"It's really a beautiful story, even if it doesn't have such a happy beginning. His daughter at a young age had been diagnosed with a one of a kind form of illness, her body ate itself from the inside and created a poison out of her devoured muscles tissue. Even with her illness and destined death, her father searched and searched for a cure. Eventually he found me, he had heard of the legends, a dragon dressed in white bone armor, with poison so potent it could kill off any poison, even his own,"

I chuckled, "Where were you when Logan was dying,"

Archion turned the page, "That's just it though, they were rumors. He came to me, begged me to come back to his home, to save his a daughter; I wanted to tell him, to say no, but how could I so no to a grieving father? I followed him home, I saw his daughter, she was frail, bone skinny, weak and pale, but she still had a glow of passion and child-like wonder in her eyes. He begged me to kill her poison, kill the disease, but I told him that it was only just a legend, my poison was so potent it killed everything, host, poison, disease, everything,"

Those words felt strange to me, they didn't sit right, but I didn't know why. I leaned forward and eagerly awaited the rest of the story.

Archion cleared his throat, "I knew she didn't have much time, and she was so interested in me, and my wings. So, I took her and her father for a around the continent. She was so happy, her body seemed to forget it was ill, because she cheered and played like a normal kid while we were out. I'd never seen a man so happy, his tears were so pure and full of joy. Unfortunately for me, I was right, her time was running out very quickly. She asked me for one more request, she wanted to smell the flowers once in her life. I obliged. We landed in the largest natural flower garden at the time. She loved the flowers, her legs somehow gained strength and she walked around the field, the biggest smile on her face. Soon after we landed her father laid her down and her body succumbed to her illness. But he wasn't sad, he was happy. His tears of joy grew a flower on his daughter's dead body, a gorgeous green and blue flower. I'll never forget what he said to me after he saw that flower grow: Anemone, daughter of the wind, that's what I'll name this flower."

I touched my heart, "That's so heartwarming," I felt my heart ache and sadness overcame me. Tears rolled down my face and my smile turned into an ugly crying frown, "But it's so sad!" I wailed as my head flopped into the table, my tears creating a small puddle on the table.

Archion smiled and reached across the table, placing a claw on my head, "Hjan, don't cry, they're long gone, and are reunited in the afterlife," He picked up the sample of the flower in the book and sniffed it gently.

I sniffed and lifted my head, "Can you teach me something else? I don't think I can think about your story any more,"

He smiled warmly at me, "Yes, of course. How about we go practice with the other dragons? I'm sure they would love to teach you how to fight. And Gjtay would love to teach you botany,"

I groaned, "Everyone wants to teach me everything, I just want to rest,"

"Hjan, you're growing and your brain is in prime condition to learn, how do you think you learned how to read so fast? If you just give up then you'll have a very hard time learning anything else in life."

I knew he was right, I wanted to be smart, Logan was smart, and I didn't want him to have the burden of constantly taking care of me all my life, I'm a dragon, I should be able to protect him, and I can't do that if I'm stupid.

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