Jumping to Solutions

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"Why are you so comfortable with me sleeping on your back, or sleeping next to you?"

I blinked a couple times. He was right, why was he right though? Well, a lot of reasons, I like sleeping next to you, feeling you on my back is something I've missed for most my life, it makes me feel... close to someone and I like feeling...? I felt my heart squeeze and could feel it clawing at my throat, my stomach fluttered and my brain realized that he was on my back, and sent flares of shivers through my body What if this feeling isn't just friendliness? What if I want to feel closer to Logan because I like him? But what does that even mean, what does it mean to like someone?

I gulped as I looked deep into Logan's eyes, his eyes didn't have anything special to them, they were like every blue eyes you'd see, yet for some reason his eyes were the only one's I wanted to look into, I wanted to get lost in those eyes, I wanted to wake up to those eyes... I'm in trouble.

My body purred as he moved around on my back. I resisted the urge to blow smoke in his face and whisper softly to him. We stared for who knows how long, just in silence, at each other, which only fueled my desires. Eventually it was too much and I rested my head into the bed, "I don't know I just do. It feels nice to be so close to someone, especially after being alone for so long,"

Logan sprawled out on my back and let his arms and leg droop over my sides, "Aw, why didn't you say that before?"

Cause that's not the whole truth. I sighed, "I don't know, I guess I was embarrassed to say it," I purred softly and my wings flapped. I lifted my head in shock and squeezed my wing to my side.

"What was that?" Logan asked.

I chuckled nervously and tried to think of something to say, "Muscle spasm?" Logan accepted that answer and went back to relaxing on my back. Thank goodness I was able to make that up just now. I don't know what would've happened if I didn't make anything up, how would I explain that? Fenrif's wings did that when Holly had confessed her love for him. I'm in big trouble!


"Yes Hjan?"

I don't know where it came from or why I was asking him this question, "Where do children come from?"

I bit my lip, cringing at what I just asked. I could hear his breathing stop and I could practically see his shocked eyes, "Um, why do you ask?"

"Well, Gjtay and Fenrif were talking about children (I don't know what those are either) and I was wondering where they came from,"

Logan scratched his head and sat himself up on my back, "I don't know how to you dragons work, if you're a species like sharks where some of you lay eggs and some give live birth,"

I lifted my head and looked back at him "Well what about you humans? Where do you children come from?"

He was blushing slightly and avoiding eye contact with me, "Well, humans... um... I don't have any experience, but I'll tell you. You see when a man and women love each other and they decide to have a child, then the man decides to give a little seed to the women, the seed is then planted inside an egg in the women tummy where is grows into a child. From then the mother carries the child for roughly 9 months before it's born,"

"So, the man give the women a seed from his... mouth?"

He shook his head, "No, not exactly,"

I was really trying to rack my brain around the concept, but as failing miserably "Then how does the seed get to her stomach?"

Logan shook his head, "No, that's not it,"

I tilted my head confused, "Could you show me?"

Logan's embarrassment disappeared as he laughed heartily, "No, I can't, it's not something I can show you. If you want a more detailed description then ask Gjtay or Fenrif, or Archion, or someone else, they'll tell you,"

Logan really doesn't want to tell me does he? Maybe it's because he doesn't know how to tell me because I'm not 'compatible' with him? I huffed and stood up.

"Where are we going?"

"To get answer!" I said jumping off the bed. Logan didn't really protest, probably because he knew he couldn't get off my back. I carried him towards the throne room. I need those answers now! There wasn't much conversation on the way there, actually there was none, Logan was very quiet, his hands rand gently across my scales as I ran.

We reached the front door and the guards handed my a robe, "The queen is inside waiting for you,"

"Thank you," The guards opened the door and I walked inside. The moment I did I started transforming back. I grabbed Logan with my tail and gently set him on the ground before quickly and sloppily wrapping myself in the robe.

Logan stared at me confused, as did the queen, who was staying silent. "Hjan why are we here in the queen's throne room?"

I stepped towards him, "I want you to show me,"

Logan glanced at the queen, who shook her head and shrugged, "What do you mean Hjan?"

I grabbed his hand and placed it on my clavicle, "Show me! I'm here, in an anthro form, I'm sure I have the anatomy of a human, or dwarf, or elf, so show me!" 

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