Boy Problems Part 2

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I sat in the tree, still and never moving as I watched Logan reach out and touch the young dragons tail. He seemed scared, and I wanted to help, but I didn't want him to know I was here. My heart skipped a beat when he was swarmed by the baby dragons and still tried to pet all of them, despite being dog piled.

Gjtay leaned towards me, in the tree next to me, "How are you feeling?"

I gulped and whispered back, "I want him to pet me too,"

Gjtay raised her scaly eyebrow, "Hjan,"

"Platonically of course," I chuckled nervously.

Gjtay rolled her eyes and pointed. I watched as a little dragon sat on his lap and fell asleep and my heart almost exploded. How do you just keep stealing my heart! Every time I think you can't take any more you do something that makes me weak!

Gjtay hopped from the tree, "Honestly, when you came here I wasn't expecting the younglings to warm up to you so fast,"

I didn't listen to their conversation after that, my mind was focused on Logan. Although I didn't have great night vision, I could make out some of the surrounding area. Logan gently stroked the back of the young dragon and I couldn't help but remember him stroking my back like that. I couldn't help but imagine myself in that spot. Fenrif jumped from the tree he was perched on and landed next to Gjtay.

"Is Hjan here? I know you two hang out a lot," I heard him ask.

Gjtay looked up at me and I shook my head. "No, I haven't seen her this morning, does she need me?"

"No, but I figured that if she was with you, she'd be cooing over the baby dragons too,"

He was right, I had been here for roughly 30 minutes and the baby dragons had taken a liking to me, there were even a couple of them sleeping next to me in the tree.

Gjtay started walking back to the tree, saying she'd go find me. She landed next to me and chuckled, "He cares a lot about you Hjan,"

I sighed dreamily, "I know,"

"Is that a problem?" Gjtay asked.

"Depends on who you ask," My eyes were fixed on him, his stoic face he made when deep in thought, his caring hands gently playing with the baby dragon as it bit his finger. I drew my claws across the branch, shaving off the bark.

"If that's what you feel then I'm not going to stop you, it's your life. But, I'd wait to do anything until after you go through Sylotiso to make any moves, because it might fizzle outby the time you're finished with Sylotiso,"

I was too lost in fantasy to care so I just nodded, "Uh huh ok,"

Gjtay rolled her eyes and grabbed my wings, "Come on little bird, enough day dreaming about prince charming,"

"Ok," I slithered off the tree branch and dropped to the ground silently.

Fenrif, who had stayed out of our conversation up to this point asked, "So, Hjan, what drew you to Logan?"

My face curled and I got giddy, "Just him! He went out of his way to save me, multiple times. He could've easily left me many times but he decided to stay and protect me, on top of that he gets along great with everyone around him and he's amazing with children! Seeing him so soft makes my stomach flutter,"

Gjtay rolled her eyes and groaned. Fenrif bumped into her, "Hey, leave the girl alone. You were the exact same way a couple days ago, showing me with compliment after compliment about how kind and gently and manly I was,"

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