The Howling Mountains

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"Logan what are we going to do?" Hjan asked.

"There's a town nearby, we'll seek shelter there,"

"What about teleportation? Could you teleport us out?"

I had completely forgotten that I could teleport, "You're right, but will it work?"

"Only one way to find out," Hjan said with a yawn.

I closed my eyes and tried to find the feeling I felt back in the caves. I took a deep breath and sternly said, "Jenzian!"

I waited in anticipation for the teleportation feeling but was sadly disappointed when I opened my eyes and saw I was still in the swirling storm. "Why didn't it work?"

Hjan poked his head out of the satchel and looked around before sinking back into the satchel, "I don't know, try again,"


Nothing happened.


Nothing still.

I tried a couple more times before Hjan said, "Logan, it's not going to work. We need to find shelter!"

"You're right, back to the first plan, let's get to that village?"

I nodded and shivered from the cold, it was getting colder and colder by the minute.

I trudged through the snowstorm, holding Hjan tightly to my chest. "We'll find some shelter don't worry Hjan,"

"I'm more worried about you. I've got my fire to keep me warm, but you? You're vulnerable to the cold," he said looking up at me.

I smiled under my helmet and continued forward "Thanks for worrying Hjan," the cold was starting to get to me, the biting cold slipped through the cracks of my armor and bit my skin through the clothing under my armor, my breath was heavy and slipped through my helmet, forming in front of my face and fogging up my visor. The snow had condensed into ice shard crashing down quickly "How you doing Hjan?" I asked, holding my arm above him so none of the ice shards hit him.

"Still fine, what about you?" he asked.

I shrugged, "A little less fine, the cold is starting to get to me, and the snow has condensed into ice shards. I'm worried about it damaging my bag,"

"Here give it to me," Hjan said holding out his claws. I pulled the bag off my shoulders and handed it to Hjan, who hugged it tightly. "And the map," he said holding out his claws again.

I handed him the map and he looked at it confused, "You don't need to read it, you just need to tell me if I'm falling off the path of the red line."

"Oh ok, did you grab any of those spicy herbs? They might be able to help you with the cold," Hjan said, rummaging through the bag.

I slapped my forehead, punishing my stupidity, "No!"

Hjan rolled his eyes and stopped rummaging through the bag, "Alright, well just tell me if it gets too cold," Hjan watched the path on the map intensely and gave me constant updates on the map, "You're falling off the line slightly, move more to your left,"


I walked through the ice and snow for hours and we weren't getting any closer to the town, Hjan getting more and more worried the longer we walked, and me getting weaker and weaker from the cold. My body was numb and my lips were dry, my hands were shaking violently and I couldn't hold think straight for longer than 3 seconds, the only thing I knew was that I needed to find shelter for Hjan and I, and I needed to keep moving for that.

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