A Sound Night

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That night was calm, my dreams were few and far between, Hjan stirred through most the night, even covering my face with her massive head at one point, that's when I woke up and pushed her head off me so I could finish my night in peace.

In the morning I woke up somberly, Hjan was still asleep at my side, but her claw had found its way onto my leg. I smiled when I saw this and gently rubbed Hjan's claw.

She felt my hand and opened her eyes, "Good morning," she said in a sweet voice.

I yawned and rubbed my eyes, "Good morning, are you ready for your lessons today?"

Hjan groaned and rolled over, "No! I don't want to do anything!"

I rolled my eyes and got out of bed. Hjan followed me with her head as I walked around the bed and over her tail, "What are you doing?" she asked.

I placed my hands under her and flipped her off my bed with ease. Hjan hit the ground with a hard thud and gasped in shock, "How did you do that?"

I shrugged and turned to the door, "I think it's your soul, it's giving me strength," I flexed my arm, my biceps were so much bigger than they were before, like I was toned before, but now I was ripped, "And a little bit of muscle,"

I heard Hjan sigh suggestively and whisper, "Lotta bitta muscle,"

I peeked over my shoulder, "What?"

Hjan looked at me dumbfounded, "What?"

I shrugged, "Don't know, thought you said something,"

She shook her head, "I didn't say anything,"

"Alright," I opened the door and was greeted to a cart with new clothing on it, along with breakfast and a note, from Holly: 'Good morning Logan and Hjan, I've prepared breakfast for you, (Sorry I couldn't prepare anything for Hjan :( the queen insists the dragons eats together in her throne room, to discuss... something) The maids have prepared you new clothing. The riders are in the training room, we'll be there most the day today, it's training day; come join us anytime. Sincerely Holly.

I pulled the cart into the room. Hjan eyed the plate, I could hear her stomach growl and her soul wanting to eat. I took the plate and turned away from her, "No, it's mine! The queen has your food in her throne room,"

Hjan groaned, "Why? I don't want to see the queen!" Hjan got low to the ground and shook her head, "She scares me!"

I chuckled and pulled off my shirt, "Calm down, she's not that bad,"

I felt Hjan's eyes on me, her heartbeat started thumping against my chest. "You're staring," I said blatantly while putting on the new shirt and re-attaching my leather straps.

"Well you have a nice back, am I not allowed to admire that my bonded has a nice back?"

"Well yes, but that stare felt a lot different from an admiring stare,"

"You don't know dragons then Logan, because that's all I was doing,"

"Alright, if you say so," I tossed my old clothing to the side.

There was a moment of silence before Hjan came at me with a hard question, "Logan, what did you think of my human form?"

I paused and stared at the ground, blushing furiously. I whipped around nervously, "Where did that come from?"

Hjan timidly dragged her claws along the ground, "Well, I'm in a questioning mood, I don't know how to explain it, but every day, even every minute I feel more and more intelligent, like I'm learning knowledge I had never known before, and with that I'm questioning more and more. So, what did you think of my human form?"

I stared at her for a second, my hands turning clammy and my heart thumping in my ears, trying to crawl out of my throat. "Do I have to answer?"

She shook her head, "No, you don't, but it would be nice to know what my friend thinks of the form that looks the most like them,"

I rubbed my chin, trying to keep my words (and mind) tame, "Well, you were definitely tall, and..." I paused for a moment.

"Continue" Hjan instructed.

"I'm trying! I'm just trying not to sound perverted!"

She shook her head and stretched, "It's fine I don't mind,"

"But I do,"

"But I want your honest opinion! What did you think of my human form?"

I looked down and just gave up holding back my words, "You're beautiful, your scales aren't any different, nor your tail or wings, but something about you just felt beautiful, maybe it's just because you felt more familiar. Your human form definitely showed that you're an attuned weapon, but also kept your... feminine charm."

I was expecting Hjan to hit me like a punching bag, like how my higher ups would do so many times before when I had feelings of lust, or attraction, or sadness, or fear, or any feeling other than obedience.

Instead I heard her comforting voice, "Wow? I had no clue my body inspired so much... feeling. I'm happy that you were honest with me,"

Hjan stood up and walked past me. As she passed through the door she brushed her tail against me. She shut the door and started walking to the queens throne room. 

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