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How does Hjan deal with this?

I sighed into my pillow and felt my face burn from the heat of my breath. I groaned and felt my ears sting from the sound, my eyes watered and I felt my nose sting from the stench, then I gagged and tasted the vomit coming up my throat. I just want to sleep! I closed my eyes, held my breath clamped my hands over my ears and swallowed the vomit in my throat. Everything was silent, except for the sound of my blood coursing through my veins, the electric hum of my nerves... and something else, something foreign. I exhaled, ignoring the burning on my face, searching my body for the source of the sound. If the foreign sound was a disease the I wanted to see if I could find something so small, and possibly kill it before it spread.

The foreign sound sounded like a deep hum, with some structure to it, like a voice that's been corrupted from magic. So, it couldn't be bacteria, but if not, what could it be?

I followed the voice through my body, following it through my muscles, my veins, tendons, arteries. I don't know how long it was, but I was determined to find this voice. I searched until I followed it to my heart, the point of corruption. It was so loud, it shook my eardrums, but I could barely make out a voice.

A lowly human? Very interesting, the most powerful being in the universe, my daughter, bonded to a human, and he's even taken part of your soul. Just another vessel for me to possess.

His voice was corrupt, but I could vaguely feel the presence of Hjan, outside my body. I moved closer to the voice and felt his presence change, like he had noticed me. Oh, it seems he's found me.

And just like that, in a single moment I was kicked out of my body. I opened my eyes, feeling paralyzed and unable to move. I felt a pair of claws on my back and heard Hjan's soft breathing. Her claws were so sharp, I could feel them splitting my superficial skin cells perfectly as she gently touched my back, her claws gently dragged across my back. "He's grown more muscle in such a little time," Her voice was so sweet, it wasn't rugged and sharp, it didn't hurt my ears, it gently carried itself into my ears, it was a soothing relief from everything I'd been hearing. "This must be my soul," I heard a soft growl, and felt Hjan place both claws on my back

Why is she touching my back? I felt my face turn red as her claws gently pressed into my back. The pressure was enough to bring out my scales, which offered some relief from Hjan's scales, slicing my skin cells.

Hjan sighed, "His scales have gotten darker, this must be a side effect of the spell. I wonder if it hurts? His skin has stretched from his sudden muscle growth," Her claws lifted off my back, "I have to be careful, any kind of pressure more than just grazing, with my claws would cut his back" I felt my bed bounce as she crawled next to me. She lifted my pillow and laid her head next to me, "Logan? Are you awake?"

I felt the voice in my body Well? Are you? Is this all a dream? Are you dead? Did you die? Or are you alive?

What the hell do you mean? Buzz off!


I felt my body clench and the feelings came back to my limbs and appendages. I talked into my pillow, "Yes, I'm awake, what's up?"

"Why aren't you training with the other riders?"

I reached out and grabbed onto my bed frame and crushed the wooden pole in my hand. I turned my head and looked at Hjan. Unknowing me, Hjan's soul had enhanced my vision while I was face down in the pillow. Every aspect of life was enhanced in my vision, the world has more color to it, like how I saw colors when I was a child, the definition of the sheets, textures I'd never noticed before, Hjan's eyes... they were beyond what I could describe. I stared deep into Hjan's eyes, the deep red, the hypnotic design of her iris the membrane and strands moving when her pupils dilated when she looked at me, the shake in her irises when she glanced away then back at me, the soft glow deep in her pupils, white of her eyes, it was like I was seeing a new side of her eyes I'd never seen before. Her gaze softened and her eyes narrowed, like she'd just found her next prey. I covered my eyes with my hands, blushing bright red "Sorry, something's wrong,"

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