The First Day

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Holly did just that. She was very intelligent and well versed on this castle, I could tell she'd been here for a long time, and had explored every inch of this castle.

She loved talking to me about little facts and things about the castle she'd learned. She also just loved to talk to me, which was nice, she was very good company.

Eventually we ran into the garden, millions of flowers, thousands of bushes, thousands of trees, it was truly beautiful. The colors of each flower clashed with the one next to it, but with the pure abundance of the flowers, the clashing created a gorgeous display of unique patterns all different from each other. The breeze in the room swayed the flowers and gave off the illusion of constantly changing patterns.

"Here's the garden," Holly squatted down and smelt the flower, "It's my favorite place in the entire castle,"

I knelt down besides her, "It's very beautiful. It's bigger than any kind of natural flower garden I've seen,"

Holly chuckled, "You've never seen the Flower fields of Yomaw, it's so gorgeous. This flower garden is the closest thing I have to seeing the fields again,"

"They sound gorgeous,"

Holly smiled, the kind of smile that would make other smile too, "They really are. I have so many special memories with my father in those fields," she reminisced on distant memories.

I leaned forward and smelt the flowers, "Is there any other room you want to show me?"

"Tons, but we've been at this for the entire day, I think we should rest here for now,"

"Agreed, but wasn't Ellie supposed to be showing me around the... town?"

Holly gasped and slapped her forehead, "Oh my Grace! I completely forgot about that! I was having so much fun talking to you that I forgot I had to pass you off to Ellie," Holly stood up and clapped her hands together. She cupped them around her mouth and called out, "GTJAY!"

Behind us, like a ghost, a dragon appeared. It's colors shimmered in various pastel hues reminiscent of blooming flowers. Its body is adorned with intricate patterns resembling petals, and its wings are translucent like delicate flower petals, allowing sunlight to filter through. A bud, reminiscing a poisonous flower adorned its tail. I glanced, yup, girl.

"Hello," she said glaring at me.

I smiled at her, "Hello Gtjay,"

She huffed and turned to Holly, "You called?"

Holly hugged Gtjay's snout and squealed, "Ah! Gjtay! There you are! How are you? Are you hungry? I can get you food," I watched the bud on Gjtay's tail slightly bloom before closing again.

Gtjay lifted her head and pulled Holly off her snout, "I'm fine Holly, is there a reason you brought this human here?"

Holly huffed and pouted at Gjtay, "Come now, that's no way to talk about a great warrior,"

"He threw a sword directly at you,"

I raised my hand, "I apologize about that. It was in the heat of the moment and everyone was an enemy to me. I was just trying to protect my dragon,"

Gjtay leaned towards me and peered into my eyes. Her eyes were a striking green with petals of pink around the iris. She stared for a moment before nodding, "I believe you. If it were me in the same situation I would've done the same," she turned to Holly, "Is this the human you've been telling me about? The one you've been so adamant about finding?"

Holly chuckled nervously, "Um yes,"

She turned to me, "She's told me very much about you for how little she's met you, She likes to refer to you as Valient Warrior in her j—"

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