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When I woke up the sun was just dawning over the clouds. I was sitting up against Hjan's stomach, Hjan had his claw protecting me, placed over my shoulder, while his head was curled back and laid on my lap. I rubbed his horn and he started chuffing, "Hjan we need to wake up,"

"No, let's just rest some more!"

I pushed his head off me and slid out from under his claw, "Come on, that dragon is probably coming towards us now,"

Hjan yawned and stretched out like a cat, "When leave can we rest some more? We've been through a lot and honestly, I've never had a good night sleep, so I've got a lot to catch up on,"

I chuckled and nodded, "Sure, I'm still tired too,"

I looked around and saw the arrow laying on the ground, covered in still damp blood. I walked over to it and broke it over my knee, saving just the arrow head "Why are you keeping that?" Hjan asked me.

"It might come in handy later," I replied, putting it in my bag.

"Are you sure? I'm not sure it's a good idea, it's only a reminder of what happened,"

"Yes but it's a weapon that might come in handy, and when the universe gives you a weapon, you take it,"

Hjan looked around with uncertainty, "If you say so,"

I adjusted my bag and looked out at the ocean of clouds, "So do you think you'll be able to fly soon?"

Hjan stood by my side, "I don't know, I should hope so soon, I mean I'm developing plenty of strange abilities, so flying is sure to come soon," 

"I think I got the idea of strange abilities," I joked, pointing to my chest. 

"Hey again sorry but I wasn't going to let you die," Hjan said in an annoyed huff. 

I smiled and leaned against Hjan "Hey I'm glad you saved me, I'm not complaining I'm just pointing out the fact that you have very strange abilities," I corrected, "you did do the right thing, I was just shocked before, suddenly being brought from death and being given a dragon soul is sort of alarming," Hjan looked down at me, looking at me for a little longer than was comfortable.

I felt Hjan's heartbeat speed up and I looked away from him, "We should probably get going huh?"

Hjan cleared his throat, "Um yes, let's go,"

I placed a hand on Hjan's shoulder and admired the sunrise over the ocean of clouds. "This really is beautiful," I told Hjan.

"It is. It's probably my favorite place I've seen so far, although that's not saying much,"

Just as I was about to fully admire the scene something popped out over the clouds.

I felt my blood boil when I saw the white armor of the dragon and the annoying face of the elf. I felt my gauntlets start to get hot and I was ready to fight, but Hjan placed a claw on my shoulder. I looked up at him and he shook his head, "Logan this isn't the place, nor the time. You're tired, I'm tired, and we still don't know the full extent of this spell; it's best if we just leave,"

As much as I hated it, Hjan was right, I didn't know what might happen if I decided to fight, and my feelings were all out of whack, we couldn't go risk anything happening. I sighed, "You're right, let's go,"

I don't know what happened, but I blinked and we were no longer on the mountain. We were in the air, not high enough to hurt when we landed, but we were falling. Hjan's claws wrapped around me and he pulled me into him and wrapped his wings around me. We hit the ground with a soft thud and I heard Hjan grunt in confusion. He let me go and I rolled away from him, "Um, sorry, I thought we were a lot higher than that,"

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