Admitting Fault

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"Finally back to my room!" I said with a sigh. With my increased touch it was an absolute pain getting back to my room, and took me much longer than I wanted to. I leapt from the door into my bed. I didn't even care about the pain, I was just satisfied to get into bed.

I stretched out on the blankets and let out a contempt groan "I don't care that it hurt! It doesn't hurt as bad as it feels amazing!" I grabbed my pillow and stuffed it over my face, it's sharp microscopic bristles stung my face, but it was a soft sting.

Finally in bed, and comfortable I fell asleep quickly, as quickly as I jumped on my bed, falling into the aware sleep.

I followed the noise, the sound of the castle, the smell of everyone here. I felt like a stalker sulking around the castle with smell and sound, but I couldn't see anyone, so maybe it was fine?

"I wonder where Logan went?" I heard Holly whisper to herself, "He wasn't in his room, the queen hasn't called an emergency, so he must be in the castle still. Maybe I'll go check on him again, maybe bring him some food or something,"

I felt warm hearing that Holly was worried about me, and that she cared about me, but I decided to move onto the next voice and scent. Unfortunately I was unblessed by the sound of Oswald, stroking his own ego, "Today was an amazing day of training! I was absolutely killing it out there! Nobody could compare to my talent!"

I almost jumped when I heard Archion's voice, "Ya you're good against the others, but try it against the other dragons," It was strange, he didn't have a scent, he was completely camouflaged until he said something.

"Come on, let me relish in my glory, nobody could do what I do,"

"Except Logan,"

Oswald gasped, but it wasn't an offended gasp like I expected, it was more a of 'How day you say that!' in a joking manner gasp, "Don't you dare bring him into this!" He suddenly lunged and I could hear the two of them playfully roughhousing. Archion was pulling his punches, but Oswald was trying everything he could to get him to submit.

I opened my eyes suddenly and sat up. I could sense someone coming near, before I could even smell them. I jumped to my feet, spinning on my hand and planting my feet into the ground. Hjan walked through the door with a traumatized and dead stare. "Oh Hjan, it's only you," I rubbed my head and chuckled "Sorry, I lost track of your scent, I didn't realize it was you,"

Hjan didn't even look at me, she just crawled onto the bed and hugged my pillow, rocking back and forth.

"Uh oh," I got back on my bed and leaned against her. She jerked her head and basically threw me off, "Hey? What's wrong?" I touched her head but she only moved it away.

"I..." her face lurched forward like she was going to vomit, "I don't want to talk about it,"

I knew exactly what she was talking about. I got under my covers and pat my lap. She reluctantly placed her head on my lap and let me pet her, "You found what you were looking for?"

She nodded her head slightly and growled, "I just want to say I'm sorry,"

"About what?" I asked.

"I also read about human puberty,"

I blinked a couple times and sucked air through my teeth, "Oh, really?"

She nodded, "Yes, and I'm sorry that I put you in that situation earlier today, and yesterday. Now I know why you're so hesitant around my human form. I feel bad about pushing you into those situations. I know better now, and I won't do that again!" I smiled and scratched her chin and she pulled her head away from me, "Please, don't scratch my chin. It just doesn't feel right,"

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