Meanwhile on the other side of the neighborhood sat Lena Walsh sat going over her books from today's sales. "Business has really picked up this month." She said with a sigh as she glanced at her phone to see her best friend calling her. "Hey Sam!" Lena exclaimed happily. "Hey Lee! What are you doing?" Sam asked. "Just getting ready to lock up and go home....why?" Lena asked. "Just curious if maybe you wanted some company I was supposed to work late tonight but don't have to now. And Alex is with Kara I figured we could hang out." Sam stated. "Kara? Is Alex cheating on you?" Lena asked with a growl. "No! Kara's Alex's sister! They're having a sister night tonight. They order pizza, and drink wine and gossip, then Alex sleeps it off in one of Kara's spare rooms." Sam explained.

Lena let this mull over in her head for a moment before responding. "Yea..ok, I'll see you at mine in ten minutes!" Lena stated as she hung up the phone. After locking up her shop she got into her suv and drove to her apartment after going inside she began to debate with herself on whether or not she should google this Kara person or not. "What harm will it do? I mean it's not like I'm gonna meet her..." Lena grumbled to herself. Sitting on the sofa she pulled her tablet out and began googling Kara Danvers.

The first thing that popped up was a website called 'Danvers's Veterinary Services'. Lena continued digging looking at pictures that were tagged to that location. "It's just down the street from my shop....too bad I don't have a pet.." Lena groaned as she continued scrolling through images. Just as she stumbled onto the woman's social media Sam walked into her apartment with Chinese food and a bottle of scotch. "What are you doing?" Sam asked cocking an eyebrow at her friend. "Just looking something up." Lena replied. "Something or...someone..specifically Alex's sister? Come on know that's creepy!" Sam groaned as she sat the food down before sitting next to Lena on the sofa. "It's not creepy! It's being cautious! Did you know shes a veterinarian?" Lena asked. "Yes! And I know she's earned a lot of awards for her work. She's worked on a lot of famous peoples pets too. And on weekends she opens her clinic to local kennels and shelters so that those animals are healthy and ready to be adopted." Sam explained.

"She sounds perfect....she probably has a girlfriend too huh?" Lena asked rolling her eyes. "Actually no...she's not dating anyone right now. Why do you ask? Do you want me to introduce you two?" Sam asked teasingly. "No...she's probably not even my type anyways." Lena sneered as they began watching 'Friends'.

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