Chap 5!

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"Help help, omg someone help me. THESE LIZARDS. AHHHHHHH...", I was screaming and I didn't realize I woke that man up. I was so busy in saving myself and screaming that I had no idea he was staring at me. And this room being sound proof made it worse, nobody could hear me.

I started crying and I was running all around the room. These lizards were rolling and turning their bodies weirdly and idk whether a spirit was controlling their minds or what
"Ahhh help me someone, these lizards...", I was such a crying mess. But to my surprise I heard laughter in that room. And when I looked up I saw this man laughing. I was shocked but I was so lost in my own problem that I yelled at him,
"DONT LAUGH AT MY CONDITION...", but he ended up laughing even more.
I somehow managed to go near the door and open it. Those lizards went back in the bathroom and I shut the door quickly. I got so traumatized by this that I sat on the floor and hugged my knees and started crying.

This shameless man wasn't stopping himself to laugh at me.
"Don't laugh...", I said as I sobbed loudly.
"Who gave you permission to enter in my room.", he said suddenly changing his tone.
"I swear if I knew you were petting these three lizards I would have never entered here.", I said as I wiped my tears and stood up.
"Now you know, so leave.", he said coldly.
"Yeah I am leaving, but before I do lemme open this window fully.", I said and was about to move towards the window but he yelled,
"Don't you dare to open it, I hate sunlight.".
Okay in my 10 years of medical study the only concept that I grasped fully was always give the person taste of their own medicine. And that's what I applied here as well.
"I know you are an animal and love to live in a shithole but plz have mercy on that poor guy who makes his life miserable just by entering this room only to feed you. My partner doesn't deserve to bear your mess.", I said and went to open the window.
He was looking at me in a shocked way. Maybe no one ever talked to him like this. And I bet it hurt his ego badly coz the next thing which he did startled me.
"SHUT UR MOUTH AND GET LOST!",he shouted at the top of his lungs.
If it were to be another person I would have dealt with them patiently. But I decided to deal him in his own way so that he could recover well. Being a doctor brings this good to you that you easily understand psychic of your patients .

I angrily marched towards him and but my both hands on either side of his pillow.
My grandma used to teach me that if you look in the eyes of your fear then your fear will start fearing you. And that's what happened here.

"Oh my God, did I just put my hands on your filthy pillow. Oh no I have to wash my hands with phenyl now.", I said and started rubbing my hands to my coat.
Believe me I am not a person with such personality. My patients happiness comes first but I want him to stand on his feet once again and for this I have to be rude. And I was really rude not gonna lie.

"Go away, I don't want you here.", he said and moved his head to the other side. But this time he wasn't furious, this time I felt the broken soul inside him speaking.

" I am going , I have no interest in seeing your ugly face.", I said and went outside.
"Oh my God, please please please please please please please please please please please please forgive me. I have no intentions in hurting him, but I want him to recover asap so that he doesn't depends on anyone.", I said to myself in my heart.

I went down and entered my room. As soon as I went inside Lisa and Hyo Seop ran towards me with wide open eyes showing pure shock.
"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT Y/N?", Hyo Seop asked while shaking my shoulders.
"What!?",, I asked being confused
"Are you literally taking responsibility of that crazy man??", Lisa spoke.
"Ye..ahh", I said and both of face palmed themselves.
Then Jungkook and Eunwoo came in rushing,
"Did you really make him laugh?", Eunwoo asked in pure shock.
"Never in past 2 years that man laughed, and was that literally you?", Jungkook asked me.
"Wait what happened?", Lisa asked
Then Jungkook told everything that happened in the room, yeah the room had a CCTV camera.
"What the hell are you UpTo girl?", Hyo Seop asked me worriedly.
"Guys guys relax, I know what I am doing and I will make him stand on his feet for sure someday.", I said confidently.
"Y/n that's impossible!", Eunwoo cried
"See guys I made that man laugh unintentionally and according to u Jungkook he didn't laugh in past 2 years. So just imagine if I work on him how quickly he will recover. And u guys shouldn't worry, Mr. Choi assigned me this duty under Jungkook's supervision so I won't be harmed.", I said.
"Y/n sometimes I am also afraid of that guy.", Jungkook said.
"Don't worry everything will be alright. Now that I am here ,I will fix this guy's bones and his brain. Hehe!", I said and all 4 of them face palmed themselves.

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