Chap 28!

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"WHAT!", I asked as I was so shocked.
"Yes and I have no control on myself and u know what is the worst thing?", he said as he dramaticly fell on the ground and then said while looking like a hopeless drunk man who failed in love,
"She is going on a blind date!", and I couldn't control but ended up laughing.
"Why the hell r u laughing!", he said as he started crying like a baby.
"Oh my innocent Eunwoo what is stopping u from confessing?"
"Rejection!", he said so I bent down and sat next to him then said,
"See Eunwoo u have to risk it else get ready to see her being someone else's and u will be sitting at the last seat of the last row destroying the box of tissue papers."
"Help me Y/n, please!", he said as he started breathing heavily.
"Okay first of all calm down. I have a plan but tell me when will she go on the blind date?"
"Today.", he said.
"Ohh that's bad, but don't worry let's do a thing.", I said and he looked at me then asked innocently,
"I will arrange for u a fake date okay, and u will take her to that restaurant. Then what we can do is that she can ruin her date by claiming that the guy with Lisa was her ex. What do u say?", I suggested and he got super excited.
"Can this really happen?", he said while wiping his tears.
"Hell yeah buddy, why fear when Y/n is here.", I said and he hugged me saying,
"You r the best Y/n. Now tell me what should I do?"
"Try getting details from her on which restaurant she is going and her date's name and u know stuff like that."
"Okay okay, I will go and do it right now.", he and then ran downstairs.

Meanwhile I went back inside.
"What happened Dr. P?", Mr. Kim asked.
"Aish nothing except...", I said and told him the whole story.
"Hahahaha so now from where will u arrange 'his fake date'?", he asked .
"I have a friend of mine who can easily do this stuff.", I said and smiled.
"I will call her right now.", I said and sat on the bed and dialed her number
"Jennieeeeeee, girl how r u?...ofc I am alive....girl I haven't forgotten u...come on dont be dramatic...aish shut up and listen to me, there is a situation and only u can help in it...", I said and told her the whole thing.
She agreed and I gave her Eunwoo's number to directly contact him and discuss the situation. Meanwhile I texted Eunwoo and told him about her.
"Phew now when everything is done, let's go Mr. Kim and do ur therapy session.", I said while smiling at him and took him towards the lawn.

I was making him do the exercise when he asked me,
"Dr. P will u go with Dr. Eunwoo?"
"Why would I?"
"No just to help him?"
"Nahhh he is a grown up man and can handle the situation and other than that I have given him number of my friend so they both will handle the stuff by themselves."
"Oh I see...", he was saying when from back I heard a voice.
"Dr. Y/n, there u r.", it was Dr. Jun-Seo.
I stood up and bowed then asked,
"U should have called me, u r my senior. This isn't good that I remain seated and u come to me for asking me to work.", I said and he smiled then said,
"There is a seminar in Ilsan and I want u to come with me and attend it. It would be very beneficial for u.", he said and the smile on my face faded.
I turned around and saw Mr. Kim's face which showed pure shock.
"But doctor I have patients to deal with, and what about Mr. Kim, who will take his care?", I said but Dr. Jun-Seo said,
"Some other doctor will, and I guess Mr. Kim would also not want that u should be pausing ur life activities just to serve him, right Mr. Kim? Don't u think it would be wrong if Ms. Y/n would only be stopping herself just for u.", he said and looked at Mr. Kim. What he just said what rude, I was about to say but Mr. Kim spoke,
"Dr. Y/n, Dr. Jun-Seo is absolutely right. U should go and attend this seminar. Just becoz of me u shouldn't be stopping urself from growing. Someone else will take care of me and Dr. Jungkook, he is here na so u shouldn't be getting worried.", he said with a smile. But I know he was faking it.
"But Mr. Kim..", I was saying but he stopped me saying,
"I will be completely alright!", he said and smiled.
"So its done, Dr. Y/n u and I will be going to attend this seminar. Be ready we will leave tomorrow.", he said and this dropped my jaw. That quick!
"How long will we be staying there?", I asked.
"For about 3 days.", he said and this literally blew off my mind.
"That's alot Mr. Jun-Seo.", I said but he said,
"Dr. Y/n this won't be the first time u will be attending some seminar with me. Our previous trips took more than a week. This is I guess the shortest stay uptil now!", he said and I couldn't disagree.
I looked at Mr. Kim and he nodded while smiling. So I said a yes.
Dr. Jun-Seo left and only we two were in the lawn.
"Hey what happened? Why such a long face?", Mr. Kim asked
"I don't wanna go with him.", I said as I sat on the ground near his feet.
"What's the issue?"
"It's just that I don't wanna leave u alone here. Idk how everyone will treat u?"
"Haha dont worry about me I will be fine. I was still breathing before u came in my life, so don't worry it's a matter of 3 days only."
"Dr. Y/n believe me, I will be completely alright. Don't worry and other than that u just can't stick to me for the rest of my life. I feel like I am being a burden on u."
"Don't u ever dare to say that or else I will make sure just like ur limbs ur tongue also stop working."
"Hahaha see that's how I like u. Don't worry I will be completely fine without u.", he said.
'But how will I be able to spend those 3 days without u', I thought to myself.

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