Chap 11!

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After working for whole day I decided to go home and just sleep. I swear I am used to not sleeping at all but after coming to Seoul my body stopped acting actively.
I packed my stuff and changed my clothes and headed towards exist when I got stoped by someone.
"Y/naaaaaaah!", I turned around and saw it was Jungkook.
"Yes Jungkook?", I replied.
"Were u going home?", he asked
"Oh okie okie."
"Why something happened?"
"No actually I was wondering.... Nah nothing go home and take care."
"Yahh Jungkook tell me!", I demanded
"Actually Y/n...", he said as he scratched his nape, "...I ahh..."
"What just tell me!",
"Y/n my eomma called me home as today we have to go to someone's house for...", he was saying but his cheeks started forming red tint on them.
"For my engagement!"
"WHAT! HOW? WHEN? WHERE? U HAVE TO TELL ME EVERYTHINGGGGG!", I said as I held his shoulders and gave them a shake.
"I will tell u everything, right now only u know don't tell anyone else. But I need your help!", he pleaded
"Sure buddy. Anything!"
"I had night shift today, so instead of me can u stay here today. Pleaseeeeeeee!", he said and the relaxation on my face vanished.
Ofc we r good friends now but for a doctor the most precious gift is sleep and he is tryna steal it from me 🥹. But ofc it's his big day I can't say no to him so I said,
"Only becoz it's ur important day, but yaaah if u forget to call me in ur wedding I swear I will arrange a last moment emergency for u.", and he laughed after hearing my statement.
He quickly hugged me and said,
"Thank u sooo much Y/n, I owe u.", with that he left and I turned around again.
"Well Y/n looks like u gotta sacrifice ur sleep today.", I sighed and went back to room to change my clothes

I was on duty and around 9 pm I decided to eat my dinner. I went to cafe and bought myself food. I am glad that the food available over here is freshly cooked, healthy and hygienic. Good for both patients and doctors.
I came in my room and was about to start when suddenly Mr. Kim's thought came into my mind.
'Had he eaten his dinner yet.'
I decided to ignore my thoughts but then couldnt help myself and went upstairs.
As I reached his door, I knocked it and heard nothing. I did it again but still no response. After trying for third time and getting fail I decided to march inside.
I opened the door and saw Mr. Kim staring at the ceiling.
"Mr Kim!", I said and he turned his head towards me. His expressions quickly changed from cold, heartless patient to soft and gentle man.
"You didn't leave today?", he asked
"No I had night shift. Have u eaten ur dinner?", I asked.
"No I am not in the mood to eat. One of the wardboys came and asked me but I refused."
"Oh that's not how u will behave Mr."
"What do u mean?",
"What I mean is I am bringing food for u. U will eat it and then I will give u ur medicines so that u can sleep peacefully."
"I said I don't wanna eat. I am already full. I had a heavy lunch.", he said which was a lie coz I was the one who fed him lunch and it wasn't heavy at all.
"As if I will listen to u.", I said and went outside but I heard him shouting "Dr. P", from behind.

I went and took the food and then went into my room to pick mine. After that I headed straight towards Mr. Kim's room.
"The food is here.", I said excitedly as I entered his room.
"I told u I don't want to eat. Why are to imposing ur decisions on me ", he said coldly all of a sudden.
Okay this blew my mind coz I am sacrificing my break just to feed him and he is being rude with me, also I was having a migraine due to lack of sleep so I kinda bursted at him.
"Mr. Kim, see I have no interest in engaging myself in a useless argument with u. I myself haven't eaten dinner and I am starving. Being ur doctor it's my duty to take care of u and I am not imposing my decisions on u. Kindly cooperate with me so that things can go easy for both of us.", he went silent after that.
So I helped him sit and then made him eat his food. He silently ate his food, meanwhile I lost my appetite.
As he gulped down the last bite he asked me,
"What about ur food?"
"I don't wanna eat. I feel like I lost my appetite."
"Oh no that's not how u will behave. C'mon eat ur food.", he ordered strictly.
"Yaah don't boss around me, I said I am not in mood to eat."
"I guess I was also saying the same thing when u bursted at me for no reason. Now shut up and eat ur food"
"Yaaaah how come u r talking to me in that tone. I am ur doctor okay!"
"Feel urself lucky that my hands and arms don't work otherwise I would have stuffed food inside ur mouth. U r a doctor. U work so hard day and night to serve others. If u urself will look like a patient how do u think u can create a sense of hope in them. How will they recover when they see that their doctor herself looks like a patient who needs drip. So be a good girl and eat ur food quietly if u don't wanna end up listening a huge lecture from me.", he said. Okay honestly speaking that was so sweet. I really liked the fact that he cares for people and still there is that soft person in him.
"Yaaah u just sounded like my eomma ", I said and he laughed. Then I started eating my food where as he was just looking at me.
"Dont stare at me like that or else I will end up choking on my food.", I said with my mouth full of rice.
"U r really different Dr. P"
"Yaaaaah I am not Dr. P.", I said and it turned out really funny coz of my stuffed mouth and he started laughing badly.

Mr. Kim's Doctor! || BTS X READER X BLACKPINK ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin