Chap 36!

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Jungkook's POV:

I was sitting next to Mr. Kim after injecting him an injection.

I got a call from Y/n.

On the call:

Me: Yeoboseyo!
Me: Aish what happened!
Her: Mr. Jin has finally woken up.
Me: Omo seriously!
Her: Yes, it will take me one more week then we will come to Seoul! How is Mr. Kim?
Me: He hasnt been fine Y/n, he isn't waking up!
Her: Jungkook plz do something, plz bring him back to his senses.
Me: I am trying my best Y/n. I want to tell u something.
Her: Yes
Me: When Mr. Kim saw the news, according to auntie, uncle and Rose he tried to move. He was literally trying to move his body and to some extent it even moved!
Her: What! R u serious?
Me: Yes!
Her: U have to wake him up, maybe something good might happen!
Me: I hope so Y/n, I hope so...

I was talking to Y/n when I saw Mr. Kim moving.

Me: I will talk to u later, he is moving.
Her: Okay but do inform me with every single detail.

She said and I declined the call.

"Hyung...Hyung...", he was saying so I stood up but his next action startled me.
He opened his eyes and sat up by himself.
"MR. KIM!", I shouted. He was moving his hands. He grabbed me with my collars and pulled me towards him then said,
"WHERE IS MY BROTHER?!", this was a miracle.
"He is alright now, Dr. Y/n has saved him. He is out of danger and in a week they will return to meet u.", I said and he fell back on the bed and put his hands on his head while thanking God.

"Mr. Kim plz sit again.", I said and he said while getting up,
"Are u crazy, my body can't mov....", he was saying but saw himself sitting and moving his hands.
He got shocked.
"Wh..what is this? DOCTOR WHAT HAS HAPPENED TO ME, I...I AM SITTING.....MY HANDS...MY ARMS...THEY R MOVING.", he said in shock and it brought tears to my eyes.
I hugged him and said,
"U did it, ur body started functioning again!", and he cried in my shoulder.
"Y/n! Call Y/n here. She should see me. Her hardwork paid off.", he said while crying.
"She is with ur brothers now!", he said but then spoke,
"But my legs still feel lifeless."
"Mr. Kim this is a miracle that happened. God showered his blessings on u. Don't worry the way ur upper body started to function in the same way ur lower body will. Dr. Y/n will make it possible as well.", I said and he smiled while crying.
"I better tell Y/n this right now!", I said but he held my hand and said,
"No plz don't do this I wanna give her surprise. Plz!", he said and I smiled while nodding.
"But I am spreading this news in the whole hospital, infact I am calling all the doctors here. Showing them this scene and we will distribute sweets in the whole hospital.", I said excitedly and he laughed.
"First let's get u clean, coz if Y/n got to know about it she will bury me alive in the ground for not taking ur proper care.", I said and he laughed again. So I called Mingyu and Hanbin.

Y/n's POV:

It was lunch time and Jin could only take liquids right now, so I took a bowl of soup to him so that he can drink it. We shifted Jin in a private room yesterday around 2am.
Namjoon was sitting next to Jin while talking to him.

"Here is ur food Jin!", I said excitedly.
"Y/n I am not in a mood.", he said and I angrily glared at him.
"Oh my God u Kim brothers r so stubborn!", I said and Namjoon laughed.
"I swear, feeding Mr. Kim...I mean Taehyung was also one challenging and rigorous task!", I said and both of them laughed.
So I sat beside Jin where as Namjoon got up and sat on the other side.
"Now open ur mouth before I take out all of my fuss of Taehyung on u.", I said and he opened his mouth where as Namjoon was continuously laughing.
God I saw him laughing after 5 whole days.
Kim brothers surely have beautiful smile.

After feeding Jin, I gave him his medicine and asked Namjoon to leave coz it was time for Jin to rest.
We both came out of the room after Jin was comfortably adjusted in his bed.
"Namjoon r u hungry?", I asked and he finally said yes.
"Okay then today's lunch is on me.", I said but he refused.
"No way, I owe u so much. U gave me back the reason to live. U gave me back my brothers. Ask me for anything and I promise to bring it and settle it in ur feet.", he said and it made me feel like princess. I giggled and said,
"Well ur highness for now let's go and eat coz I am dying due to starvation.", I said and he laughed.

We both went a good restaurant nearby and he ordered so much food.
"Namjoon I want to tell u something.", I said as I decided that I would reveal my feelings for Taehyung to him. Jin isn't well right now properly else I would have told him first.
"Yes Y/n.", he said and smiled.
"I know this is not the right time, but I want ur help really badly.", I said and he got a lil worried.
"Is everything alright?", he asked
"Yes yes, but .....", I said and stopped becoz Namjoon got a call.
"I am so sorry Y/n, just a second this is really important call.", he said and I nodded.
"Hello Mr. Park....yes yes Hyung is fine now...really...that's awesome...finally...yes...plz make sure he gets the worst punishment in the history of mankid....yes...we will be returning to Seoul after a few days.....yes I will inform u....oh alright then we will see u in Seoul....thank u so much once again....goodbye.", Namjoon said and declined the call.
"Sorry, it was from our lawyer. He said that our rival who was behind all this has been arrested and his company has been sealed due to many allegations against him for fraud and corruption. Also he will be sentenced to death along with a few of his companions who were behind my father's murder.", Namjoon said happily and I also got happy.
"Now say what u were saying.", he said and focused on me again.
I got nervous should I? Then I decided yes I will.
"I...I am in love with ur brother Kim Taehyung!", I said and he got shocked.
"Yes, I am madly in love with him."
"Omg r u serious!"
"I am dead serious!"
"Stand up!", he said to me and I kinda got scared. Did I do a mistake by telling him?
I stood up and he came to me and hugged me,
"Taehyung can't find anyone better than u! Ahhhhhhhhh I should start doing the preparations for marriage.", he said and put me down.
"Yaaaah not that quick I don't know whether he likes me or not!", I said as I sat back again.
"Well if not then Hyung and I are there to make him say a yes!", he said and I laughed.

Our food came and we started eating. He told me soo many things about Jin and Taehyung!

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