Chap 12!

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I finished my food and then was about to leave when Mr. Kim stopped me saying,
"Ahh yes Mr. Kim do u want anything?", I asked.
"Ahh...r u...ahhh...leaving?", he asked as he lowered his gaze.
"Umm...yeah. Why u need something?".
"Ahh no no."
I went towards Mr. Kim and asked,
"Speak Mr. Kim!"
"Yaaaah don't scare me like this.", he said.
"Haha c'mon Mr. Kim tell me.", I said as I sat on the stool.
"How long will u be staying her".
"Well till 6 in the morning."
"So it means u won't come tomorrow?",
"Most probably not, but I have to due to a certain reason."
"Me? How so?"
"See Mr. Kim as I have taken ur responsibility, it's my duty to take care of u. I will visit the hospital around 6pm. Then leave at 9."
"Ahhh it's okay, u can take rest tomorrow. I will be okay."
"Ahhh nope, as I told u before u r my responsibility. So it's my duty to take care of u", I said but he lowered his head.
I got worried so I moved my stool near him.
"Yaaah what happened Mr. Kim?"
He looked up and gave me a pained smile saying,
"Nothing.", then he went silent.
I understood what he was feeling. A sense of gratitude and hopelessness. This is a weird combination of emotions. Sometimes u r happy that someone is there for u but then at the exact moment u feel as if u r being a burden on them , but u r so hopeless that u can't understand that u r not a burden but a source of happiness for them.

"I will go now.", I said but the smile on his face faded and he went silent.
I pity this man. He has no one to be on his side. No family, no friend, absolutely no one. And the fact that he stays in this white room all by himself being completely depended on others scares me and make my heart cry. God should test people but I pray He never tests anyone the way He tested Mr. Kim.

He smiled forcefully and said,
"Okay, take care.".
So I decided today I will be with him till morning. I will accompany him. Also all the patients have been checked and the situation in the hospital is also fine.
"Yaaaah don't be happy so soon!", I said pretending I am annoyed.
"What do u mean?", he asked innocently.
"What I mean is I am only going to take a a round then I am coming back in this room to cause u a headache.", I said and he smiled brightly.
No matter how much he becomes cold and rude but at the end he is also a human and wants someone by his side.
"Yaaah I thought I would sleep peacefully now as u were going.", he said making a pout.
"Mr. Kim u and ur delusions. Te te te te.", I said as shook my head and he laughed.
"I will be right back, don't u dare to sleep.", I said and made him lay on the bed. I adjusted his pillows and then came out.

'Mr. Kim it's my promise that I will recover u no matter how much time it takes. I won't leave u like this. I won't abandon u.', I thought and then went to take a round around the hospital .

Everything was fine and most patients even went to bed. It was around 12 now.

I came to 4th floor and went towards Mr. Kim's room. I knocked at the door but he didn't answer, so I went inside. I saw his eyes were closed.
"Yaaah this is cheating Mr. Kim. U slept. Now what the hell am I gonna do for next 6 hours. Ahhhhh.", I said to myself in annoyance. I was really hoping him not to sleep but he slept. As I was about to leave I heard,
"Hahaha yaaah I was just messing up with ya. I didn't sleep. I was waiting for u.", it was Mr. Kim.
I turned around and narrowed my eyes while putting hands on my waist.
"U r so bad!"
"Hahahaha. And u cry like babies.", he said as he laughed and I mimicked him to which he laughed more.
Then I went to him and made him sit as he asked me to do so. I sat on the stool and then looked at him.
"What?", he asked.
"Start speaking!", I demanded .
"Speak what?",
"Anything I just wanna listen to u.", I said as I put both of my hands under my chin while my elbows rested on my thighs .
"Ahh I don't know what to say."
"No issue, just think. We have 6 whole hours."
"So that means we will be awake till 6?",
"Yup! Wait whenever u get sleepy do tell me okay. No need to bear my annoying voice, ur health comes first.", I said and he smiled.
"U ask , I will answer.", he said
"Hmmm lemme think... Yes are u educated?"
"Hahaha u think I am not!"
"Ahhh idk?"
"Just becoz I have been in hospital for 7 years doesn't mean I am a savage person. I have lived a life just like a normal person before that accident."
"Oh I am sorry Mr. Kim I didn't mean to offend u."
"Oh no no I am not offended at all. Okay so yes I am educated I have done masters in business administration, specialization in finance from the States."
"U wanna know my GPA?"
"What the... That's alot!"
"Hahahaha I don't only have a sexy face but also a sexy brain."
"That isnt a lie though.", I said and he blushed. I swear he looks cute when he blushes.
"So u ever tried getting a job?"
"Why would I ever try when my dad owned the biggest company in Korea. My brothers and I were next to take care of it but...", he said but his eyes filled with tears.
"I am sorry Mr. Kim I shouldnt have asked that.", I said but a tear fell of his eye.
I stood up and wiped his tear then said,
"Mr. Kim take it all out today. Lighten ur chest. Dont be harsh on Urself. U kept it all along In Ur heart all these years. Now it's time to let it go.", I said as I held his hands and sat beside him on the bed.
"Okay.", he said and started saying it all.

Mr. Kim's Doctor! || BTS X READER X BLACKPINK ||Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin