Chap 13!

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"I had the most amazing life a person could wish for. I had, a caring mother who loved me the most among us brothers. A hardworking and supportive father. And two amazing elder brothers who never left my side. U know I was the youngest among in my family. And everyone loved me so much. I wasn't like a spoiled rich boy but I was responsible from the beginning but I used to enjoy my youth rather than working haha. My brothers and family pampered me so much that they used to never let me work. My eldest brother's name was Kim Seokjin and then second eldest one was Kim Namjoon. They were the best gift from nature to me. And the queen of my heart was my mother. I loved her soooooo much. She was my everything. I feel that as long as she was alive it were her prayers that saved me from every danger. The day she left me was the day I ended up getting the most devastating and disastrous accident ever...", he was saying but tears never stopped flowing through his eyes and I also didn't stop him coz I knew this was the best for him. I was continuously rubbing my thumb on his hand, "...My father was also a really nice man. He loved us soo much and he worked day and night only to make our lives better.
U know I loved riding bikes and I used to always take part in such competition and my mother used to get so angry on me, she used to say I will end up getting hurt. But I was stubborn I used to say her that just keep on praying for me and nothing will ever happen to me. I was really sure my mother will never let me happen anything coz her prayers are always with me.
There was a huge competition in Daegu and I participated in it. I was selected for final but that day was the worst day of my life. Before the race began I got a call from my brother Namjoon that eomma had a sudden heart attack and she passed away, at first I didnt believe my ears. I was so shocked that I felt my heartbeat fading and my ears turning deaf to the world. I didn't waste anytime. Instead of track I raced my bike on the road. I was overspeeding it so much that the only thing I knew was I need to be with my eomma. I didn't care that it was raining that day really heavly. Before I could enter Seoul I got into an accident. My bike slipped as it lost its balance and I got crushed between 2 trucks.
U know when I fell on the road my body didn't feel any pain but it was my heart that was shedding blood tears as I was unable to reach to my eomma. Before blanking out the view that I vitnessed was grey sky, blood on my hands and under my head, bike in front of me, people gathering around and shouting and screaming and my eommas face.
I don't remember anything after that coz I went into comma. After my eommas death my world collapsed. I lost everyone. I don't know where my brothers are, my father is? I have no idea what happened with me all of a sudden.", he said and was on the edge of breaking down .
"Dr. Y/n, do u really think I was such a bad person that God tested me by taking away all my relations from me and ending me up like this completely useless and burden on others.", he said and that was it he lost his control on tears. I didn't realize I was also crying. I quickly took him in my embrace and held him tightly whereas he cried his heart out on my shoulder.
"No Mr. Kim u r not bad at all.",
"I am Dr. I am, I hate myself so much. It's all my fault. I wasn't a good son or brother maybe , coz that's y my family left me. My whole world turned upside down. I have lost my hope to live. All I want is to die so that I can go to my mother and put my head on her lap and cry while telling her how much I missed her and want her to be back with me."
"Shhh dont say such stuff Mr. Kim. Ur mother won't be happy to see u in this condition. And it's none of ur fault. Infact u r the most beloved person of God that's why he put u in a really difficult test. I have never seen such a strong patient like u ever in my life."
"I am not strong Dr. Y/n, I am the most weakest man in this entire world. I can't even raise my finger without anyone's support. The reason why I never let anyone come near me was that I didn't wanna get recoverd. I just want to die. I have no reason to live." , he said and I hugged him tightly while he sobbed loudly. Then I released him and made him look at me. I wiped his tears with my both hands and held his shoulders saying,
"I will help u get well soon. I am not like other doctors or people who will give up on u. When I saw u first time I felt like burning this hospital for how cruel they have been to u. The way they kept u made my blood boil. They literally treated u like an animal not a human. But I am here i will try my best to bring light in ur dull life and make u smile and walk again, even if it takes me 100 years. But I won't give up on u. I wont abandon u.", I said and he cried even more. So I hugged him again and gently rubbed his back. Poor guy, only God knows how long had he been keeping those tears inside his heart.

After I made him quite I started lightening up his mood by cracking lame jokes, telling him about my family and my journey of becoming a doctor. He laughed, taunted at me, went sarcastic, smiled, laughed more.
"...and then I told Jiya that Seojun liked me for sure and...", I was saying but my eyes landed on Mr. Kim and I saw him sleeping. I looked at the clock at it was 4 in the morning. So I decided to quietly lay him on his bed without disturbing him and leave the room.
I made him comfortable on the bed and adjusted the sheets over him. I caressed his cheek with the back on my hand and turned off the lights,and came out.

"Mr. Kim be ready now that I am here I will change ur life.", I said to myself while smiling proudly and left the floor .

Mr. Kim's Doctor! || BTS X READER X BLACKPINK ||Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang