Chap 25!

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"Ahhh Mr. Kim u were awake!", I asked as I was in shock.
"I...I better g..go", I said but he stopped me.
"Wait, why r u avoiding me?", he asked and I stopped in my tracks.
" not.", I said while stuttering .
"Yes u r, ever since u got to know I am V, u r avoiding me. Did u hate be back then?", he asked me innocently.
How should I tell him how much I loved him at that time as well.
" that's not the thing, it's just kinda weird!", I said.
"How?", he asked as he was lying on the bed.
"I never thought u would be him. Like all this stuff that happened to u."
"So will u now hate me for this?", he asked with a heavy heart as I could sense it in his voice .
"What no shut up, I lo..", I was saying but stopped before I crossed the line.
"...I mean I would never hate u. Even back then I never hated u. U were my favorite, u r my favorite and u will always be my favorite.", I said and a smile settled on his face.
"R u busy right now?", he asked and idk how it slipped from my tongue,
"For u, never!", he looked at me with shocked eyes.
"Ahhh...I mean right now I am not, why u need something?", I said.
"You!", he said and it shocked me.
Bro what the hell is happening here?
"Ahhh I mean I need a lil company, I am not sleepy.", he said while changing his statement.

We both got silent and looked at eachother. Omg my heart went out of its control.
"So Jimin oppa was the friend u were telling me about that day.", I said to start a conversation as if I hadn't then my heart would have exploded.
"Yes, but if I had known he was ur cousin, I might have told u his name earlier.", he said.
"Everything happens for a reason and on the perfect timings set by God.", I said.
"Yes like the way u entered iny life and removed all darkness by the light of ur presence.", he said. Don't do this Mr. Kim I might end up confessing and then later on regret.
"Dr. P...ahh Yuri...ahhh Y/n...aish what should I say u now?", he asked.
"Call me Dr. P, I am used to it now!", I said and he giggled.
"So Dr. P u ever fell in love?", he asked out of nowhere.
"Ahhh what do u mean?", I asked.
"Have u ever developed the feelings of attraction in ur heart for another human, that's what I mean?", he said
"Aish I know that okay, no need to explain.", I said and he laughed.
"Well yeah 3 times.", I said and he was shocked.
"When? And with who?"
"First was in childhood, that was an innocent love. That boy was the one who taught me what love is. Second was when I was I college. I fell badly for a guy but he rejected me coz of my looks. I used to wear huge glasses and made two braids on side along with many pimples on my face. That was my incomplete love..."
"I bet u were beautiful at that time as well, he was just blind. Nevermind who is the last one."
"He is the one whom I found here!"
"Is he a doctor?", he asked curiosly.
"Yeah.", I decided to tease him.
"Dont tell me that idiot senior of urs. Oh my God I hate him so much and especially when he comes near u. I swear if my hands and limbs would have been working I would have ended him long time ago. I can't stand him near u.", he said in one go and then realized what he just said,
"I...I mean he gives bad vibes.", he said and I laughed
"Mr. Kim go to sleep, u think alot.", I said and was about to get up when he stopped me. I turned around and I was shocked to see his finger moved.
"Mr. Kim!", I exclaimed.
"What happened?", he asked
"Ur finger.", I said and pointed. He looked and saw that his index finger was raised up.
He himself got shocked. I quickly made him sit.
"Do it again.", I said and with some effort, he moved it again.
I was so happy that I started jumping meanwhile he had tears in his eyes.
"Omg why r u crying?", I asked and sat beside him on the bed.
"My finger is moving!", he said joyously.
"This is all becoz of u Dr. Y/n.", he said and I quickly hugged him as he cried so much.
"Shh shh yaaah Mr. Kim don't cry instead be happy. This is such a big achievement. This is the first time I saw a paralyzed pateint recovering so fast."
"Don't ever leave me plz.", he said while sobbing.
"Never!", I said and moved him back then wiped his tears with my hands.
"Do it again.", I said and he moved his finger once again, this time he laughed due to happiness.
"I feel I will recover now, I will be able to live again, right Dr. Y/n?"
"Ofc yes Mr. Kim and not only live again but lead a happy life."
"I can never thank u enough for what u did to me. I promise when I recover I will do everything possible to thank u.",
"Just recover soon and I need nothing else. All I want to see is u standing on ur both feet.", I said as I held his face with one hand.
"Come here.", he said.
"I am here.", I said.
"No move forward I want to tell u something.", he said.
"But no one is here, u can say it loudly."
"I said na come here, I wanna whisper it in ur ear.", he said and I moved forward.
As soon as I moved forward, I froze on my spot becoz his next action shook the hell out of me.

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