Chapter 84

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Kurt forcefully ushered me into a nearby room, which appeared to be some kind of office.

It was spacious, lined with shelves of books, and dominated by a large table strewn with paperwork. On one side, a bank of screens displayed live footage from various cameras, monitoring the activities both inside and outside the building. It was a meticulous system, tracking every movement.

He directed me to the table, pushing me into a chair with a force that made me wince. "So?" His arms crossed, and I could practically see the steam rising from his nostrils as his gaze bore into mine. "Imagine my surprise when I spotted you on the screen, parading around in nothing but flimsy pajamas."

His eyes trailed down to the stain on my chest, lingering on the patch of red wine. "This close, and you'd have been torn apart like a defenseless rabbit."

I averted my gaze, guilt weighing heavily on me. "I know."

"And here I thought you'd learned your lesson," he continued, slamming his hand down on the table with a sharp thud that made me flinch. "Yet you persist in wandering off on your own."

"What did you expect?" I countered, my voice tinged with frustration. "If I wake up alone in a locked room—"

"Enough with the excuses," he interrupted, seizing the wet fabric of my collar in a rough grip. "I know you were just itching to escape."

"You're not listening—" I began, but our conversation was abruptly halted by a knock at the door.

In that moment, I questioned whether I even had the right to be seen or to be here at all. Acting purely on instinct, I swiftly ducked under the table, pulling Kurt down into the chair with me, positioning him to shield me from whoever was at the door.

Kurt's surprise was evident in his expression, but he quickly regained his composure as another knock echoed through the room. "Come in," he called out, his voice steady.

As the door opened and closed, footsteps drew closer, and Kurt's tone turned slightly panicked. "Stay there," he instructed the visitor, his tone tinged with urgency.

With a deft motion, he attempted to discreetly push my hand away from where it rested on his thigh. Regaining his composure with a subtle adjustment, he adopted a serious demeanor as he turned his attention to the newcomer.

"They're here," a man's voice announced. "They're being escorted as we speak."

I strained to hear the conversation, but the confined space beneath the table was growing increasingly stifling, beads of sweat forming on my forehead.

Desperate for air, I tried to shift my head slightly, inadvertently brushing against Kurt's thigh. He flinched, subtly recoiling from the unexpected contact.

Kurt's discomfort was palpable as he glanced down at me, his hand closing around my wrist in an attempt to keep me still. Despite his efforts to maintain his composed facade, his unease was evident in the tightness of his grip.

As an idea struck me, my free hand began to explore Kurt's thighs, tracing the contours of his legs. His reaction was immediate—a subtle shift in his seat, lips pressed tightly together, and a visible tension creeping into his neck as he swallowed nervously.

"Sir, are you okay?" the man at the door inquired, noticing Kurt's discomfort. But Kurt waved off the concern, quickly resuming their conversation.

Meanwhile, my hand lingered on his knees, feeling the tension in his movements as he subtly tried to evade my touch. I couldn't help but smirk at the realization that I now held the control, manipulating him to my will.

With each movement of my fingers, Kurt's reactions grew more pronounced. His knees twitched under my touch, and I could sense his escalating arousal.

As I reached higher, his body tensed further, betraying his growing anticipation. And when I encountered his hardened member, concealed beneath expensive trousers, I traced its length with deliberate intent.

His response was immediate—an angry twitch, followed by a shiver that coursed through him like electricity.

Finally, I deftly tinkered with his zipper, and suddenly, Kurt released my wrist and instinctively shielded his crotch instead. His reaction was so abrupt that I couldn't help but let out a laugh, quickly stifling it with my hand.

"Did you hear that?" the man at the door questioned, his brows furrowing in suspicion.

"Hear what?" Kurt responded, feigning confusion in an attempt to divert the man's attention.

"Uh, I thought I heard something," the man muttered uncertainly.

"Stop with that nonsense and just report everything," Kurt snapped, his tone impatient as he urged the man to leave.

"I also found these..." the man continued, his voice trailing off as he rustled with something.

In that moment, Kurt's attention was momentarily diverted as he reached for whatever the man had found, shifting his hand away from his crotch and toward the table.

Seizing the opportunity, I swiftly dragged down his zipper, unveiling his shaft in all of its glory.

Kurt continued to clear his throat, his movements becoming increasingly restless as he shifted in his seat. In an attempt to keep him still, I placed my hands firmly on his thighs, feeling the tension coursing through his muscles.

With a deliberate motion, I licked the tip of his shaft, the taste of pre-cum exploding on my taste buds. Despite the bitterness, a wave of desire surged through me, mirroring the throbbing wetness between my own legs.

"W-what is this?" Kurt's voice wavered, his desperation thinly veiled as he struggled to maintain his composure, his hands fidgeting aimlessly.

"I'm not sure. There are only photos and a bunch of candies—coffee flavored. That's all there is to it," the man's voice replied, the mention of the candies momentarily distracting me.

As I leaned out, straining to hear what they were saying, my focus was abruptly shattered by rough hands seizing the back of my head, forcing me to take all of Kurt's length into my mouth. The suddenness of the action left me momentarily disoriented, my ears deaf to anything but the sound of my own heartbeat pounding in my ears.

The footsteps gradually faded into the distance, and then the door closed, enveloping us in silence once more.

Released from his hold, I gasped for air, the rough coughs tearing through my throat. Kurt's hand gripped my head firmly, his scowl a palpable force in the room, his anger emanating like a dark cloud. "Where did you learn that?" he demanded, his voice edged with fury.

Suddenly, he paused. A sinister grin crept across his face, contorting his features.

"No," he growled, his words dripping with malice. "It doesn't matter."

His tone carried an ominous weight as he continued, his voice heavy with rage. "Because right here, right now, I'll ensure you never find satisfaction unless my cock is filling your mouth. Im going to make you a bitch who only ever reeks of my cum."

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