Chapter 87

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Three women were ushered into the bedroom, each carrying an array of clothes, makeup, and shoes. They began by washing me, applying various lotions and oils to my skin, soaking me thoroughly. Once I was cleansed, they dressed me in a tight halter dress that clung to my body. They meticulously applied makeup to conceal the bruises scattered across my skin.

Throughout the entire process, Lucas stood nearby, watching intently. His gaze was so piercing it felt like he was drilling a hole into the back of my head. His expression was unreadable, but it was as if he expected me to run away at any moment.

"What color do you prefer, ma'am?" one of the women asked. She had one blind eye, and despite the layers of makeup she wore, I could still see the bruises she was trying to hide. She kept scratching her back, and I caught a glimpse of a massive slash peeking over her shoulder.


Her voice jolted me back to reality. I looked down at the box she held out to me. Inside were ten different colored fabrics, each adorned with a gem in the center.

"What is it?" I asked, my voice barely more than a whisper.

The girl hesitated, glancing nervously at Lucas. Before she could respond, he stepped closer behind me, his movements reflected in the mirror. His long, slender fingers brushed along my neck, sending a shiver down my spine.

"It's a choker," he said softly, his voice velvety smooth. "Nothing dangerous. It will look beautiful on you."

"Nothing dangerous?" I echoed.

He nodded, picking up for a deep crimson choker, its rich hue vibrant against the pale backdrop of the other fabrics. "Just an accessory," he continued, draping it around my neck. "It complements your eyes."

I looked into the mirror, his fingers lingering on the clasp as he fastened it.

"Why a choker?" I asked.

"I simply can't resist the allure of seeing you adorned in something so exquisitely beautiful." he murmured, his voice a velvet caress against my senses.

His words wrapped around me like silk, each syllable weaving a spell of enchantment. I felt myself succumbing to his flattery, a rush of warmth spreading through me despite the lingering doubts in the back of my mind. His gaze, intense yet tender, held me captive, urging me to trust in his vision of perfection.

"Okay," I found myself saying, the word slipping out before I could think.

"Trust me," he whispered, his breath warm against my ear. "I know what looks best on you".

I let Lucas lead me, his hand firmly grasping mine. 

The short heels on my feet were uncomfortable, biting into my skin with every step. Though everything felt like a dream, the reality of the cold air biting at my exposed shoulders and the pain in my feet was undeniable, yet strangely distant.

It was as if I were floating through the halls, the sensations both present and unreal, merging into a surreal haze that blurred the boundaries of my awareness.

As we reach the final turn of the hallway, a looming door comes into view, flanked by Kurt and Rie, their eyes hidden behind masks.

Rie's smile widens at the sight of us, and he rushes forward, as if to embrace me. But as he draws nearer, his smile falters, replaced by a puzzled expression.

"Is she alright?" he asks, reaching out to touch my hand tentatively.

"She's..." Lucas pauses, carefully selecting his words. "Adapting," he finally responds, his voice carrying a hint of uncertainty.

Concern etched itself onto Rie's face. "Are you sure? She looks... different. She's not like herself."

"No need to concern yourself, Rie. She's simply more behaved," Lucas replied, his tone dismissive.

"You sure you didn't overdo it?" Rie pressed.

"Shut the fuck up, mutt," Kurt snapped. "Just wag your tail like always and shut the fuck up."

Rie still looked concerned, but he fell silent, standing beside me and intertwining his fingers with mine.

Meanwhile, Lucas held up a thin black fabric. He moved behind me, and I felt the cloth cover my eyes, plunging my vision into darkness, though I could still see faint outlines.

"I can't allow anyone to know you," Lucas whispered, his breath hot against the back of my neck, sending shivers down my spine. "So don't even think about removing it. If you do, they'll suffer the same fate as those who dared to recognize you".

He didn't wait for my response, as if he knew I would comply. And I did, speaking only when he instructed and obeying every command.

He stood in front of me, his gaze sweeping from my head to my toes, lingering on the band tightly wrapped around my wrist and the choker encircling my neck. Then he smiled, a predatory gleam in his eyes.

"Tonight you are red," he said, bringing my hand to his lips and kissing it with a chilling finality.

We waited in silence for a moment, Lucas on my left, Rie on my right, and Kurt behind me.

As the door swung open, revealing a cavernous room enveloped in dim light, all eyes turned towards us, heavy with a mixture of curiosity and judgment.

We walked along the carpet, their gazes following us, their faces open while ours remained veiled. Fake smiles faltered into hushed whispers as we made our way forward.

Upon reaching the top, their applause drowned out the unspoken questions lingering in the air—questions about my identity.

"Look ahead, princess," Lucas whispered, his voice tinged with determination. "This is the organization I've been overseeing, the one I aim to lead. But I lack the crown that would solidify my authority." He spoke to me, yet his gaze remained fixed ahead. "But as you know, a princess makes a prince."

The choker around my neck seemed to tighten more.

And as I stood there, enveloped in the facade of royalty, I couldn't shake the gnawing fear that my fate was sealed, my future uncertain, and my existence expendable.

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