Queen of the Munce

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(In the dungeons, Murt leads Nya, Coral, Lloyd, Jay, and the freed Munce through the tunnels.)

Lloyd: I wonder what happened to the others.

Nya: Yeah, I hope they're safe.

Coral: I guess, for now, we'll have to follow these guys wherever they're going.

Jay: The others will be okay. Don't worry.

Lloyd: I hope so.

(The ninja and Munce come across many tunnels.)

Murt: Um... hmm.

Lloyd: Everything okay? Why'd we stop?

Murt: Murt not remember the way.

Jay: What? I thought you knew these tunnels like the back of your hand!

Murt: (He looks at his hand, confused.) Uh...

Jay: (He sighs and facepalms in exasperation.) Ugh.

Murt: Is one of these. Either this way, or this way, or this way.

Lloyd: Yeah, um, we figured it was one of them, Murt, but we kinda need to know which one.

Murt: How about this way? (He points behind the group.)

Lloyd: That's the way we just came.

Jay: Oh, great! Now we're gonna get lost down here, we're never gonna see the sun again, we're all gonna -

Nya: It's this way, guys!

Jay: How do you know?

Nya: I can see footprints in the dirt.

Jay: Oh. Nice work, Nya. See, I told you it would be fine! (Coral, Lloyd, and Nya look at each other.)

Nya, Jay, Coral, and Lloyd: (They gasp as they arrive at the Munce Home-Cave.) Wow.

Coral: Look at all the crystals. I wonder what I could do with these.

(Two Munce Sentries block their way to the doors.)

Munce Sentry: Halt! Who goes there?

Murt: Where?

Munce Sentry: There!

Lloyd: He means you, Murt.

Murt: Oh. Murt goes there.

Munce Sentry 1: Murt? Son of Murt? (Murt nods.)

Munce Sentry 2: You escape from the Skull Sorcerer? How? (Murt looks to his new friends as Jay waves nervously.)

(The sentries let them through the door to see the queen.)

Munce Sentry: My Queen! We have visitors.

Murtessa: (Gasps.) Murt!

Murt: (Kneels.) My Queen. Murt escape. With help of these "moutsiders."

Murtessa: How? No one has ever returned from the caverns held by the Skull Sorcerer.

Murt: If you wish to hear story, Murt will tell.

Jay: (To Nya) This should be interesting.

Nya: Shh!

Murtessa: Tell!

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