The Skull Sorcerer

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(In her room, Vania asks someone for advice.)

Vania: I am really not good at making decisions like this, which is why I need your advice. The ninja had been underground way too long, and I think something terrible might have happened to them. And I think I should go after them, but they're ninja. They can take care of themselves, right? Master Wu even said I shouldn't go after them. But what if they've been attacked by crazy monsters? I should at least alert the Palace Guards, right? But if my father knew the ninja went down into the tunnels, he'd banish them from Shintaro forever! Even if their intentions were good. Oh, what should I do, Chompy? (Her advisor is revealed to be a pet dragon who sits down in a relaxing manner.) You're right. Oh, you always know what to say. I need to relax. I'm sure Cole is doing just fine.

(But underground, Cole is hanging upside down by a branch above rocky spikes.)

Cole: Help! Someone help me! I'm in serious trouble here! Please! (He tries to get right sipe up, but the branch starts to break.) Okay, that's not working. I'll just hang real still until I come up with a plan. I just have to think. Think, Cole. Think! (He sees a skeleton of a dead human.) Oh, great. Now I feel much better. (He sees a hook on the skeleton.) Hey, a hook! If I can get to it... hey, you don't mind if I borrow that, do ya? (The skeletons's head slumps downward.) I'll take that as a "no". (He swings to the skeleton and nearly falls.) Oh, great. Now I'm hanging from a skeleton that's hanging from a root. And now I'm talking to myself again. Keep it together, pal. Just hold on. (He throws the hook upwards, but nearly falls again.) Aah! (The hook digs into a rock. Cole starts to climb upwards. Suddenly, the rock breaks and he falls.) Aah! (He ends up hanging off the side of a cliff.) Help! Someone help! What am I doing? What if the Skull Sorcerer hears me? That would be terrible! Oh, you don't really have a choice, Cole, do you? Help! Someone help me! (He hears something.) Hello? Is-is someone down there? (Suddenly, a group of Dire Bats fly out of nowhere.) Dire Bats? (One of the bats swat at him, causing him to fall, but another Dire Bat catches him.) Thanks, I guess. (The Dire Bat holds him in place, while another catches up. The two bats fight over him.) Get off!

(Cole falls, while another bat flies in the same direction. Cole grabs onto the bat's foot. The other bats chase after him. He uses his Earth Punch to drop stalactites on the Bats.)

Cole: Haha, yes! (As he is about to crash into a stalagmite, he uses his Earth Punch to break it, causing the bat to drop him.)

(The bat chases Cole, and eventually corners him inside a tunnel. Cole activates his lava arm and the bat flies away, afraid.)

Cole: Ha! Maybe you realized you were messing with the wrong ninja! Nice try, pal! Better luck next ti... (He realizes that he's standing on sticky webs.) What-what is this stuff? Really sticky, almost like spider... (He hears a sound, and turns around to see a giant spider. It slams one of its legs down.) Ah! (The spider lunges at Cole, but misses.)

Cole: Look, I'm getting really tired of things trying to eat me! (The spider tries striking him with its legs, but he dodges them.) Ah! Ah! (The spider grabs onto Cole, and knocks him backwards against the cave wall. He activates his Lava Punch, but his hands are webbed by the spider.) Hey! Don't think about how gross this feels. Do not think about how gross this feels. I'm thinking about it. Ugh, I'm thinking about it. (The spider hits Cole. He tries to fight back, but the spider webs his body.) Aww! I'm now willing to discuss the terms of your surrender. (Suddenly, Vania and her dragon, Chompy land in front of him. Vania strikes at the spider with her naginata, but the arachnid dodges it.) Princess Vania?

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